Anti Hero... pt5 Kikyo!!! shouts a ninja as he was cut down by - TopicsExpress


Anti Hero... pt5 Kikyo!!! shouts a ninja as he was cut down by Kikyos blade! Traitor!! Coward!! Shouts another as three rush her. One falls as her shuriken connected, another as she slashed, however be fore he dies he grabs her wrist, allowing an opening for the last! Kikyo tried to pull away, but knew this technique all to well, it was designed so the target would expose themselves to a well timed follow up attack!! Was this it? Would she die here? Suddenly the ninjas head explodes as the sound of thunder crashed!! Smoke rolled from the tip of Honzos long repeater musket!! Cocking the hammer, the cart rage turns, loading another round, he died quickly, killing another just before he could kill another peasant. RUN!! He ordered, Dont fight them, get to the shelter!! Kikyo watched, her parents died at the hands of a riflemen, but today one saved her life. She was unable to move, a mix of rage and fear held her tight as she watched Nuis number one General fight! He downed some with rifle fire, the ones who came too close felt the bayonet on the tip, or the hard butt of it, he used the rifle the way a traveling monk used a rod!! And as he ran out of ammo, he used it like a spear, throwing and harpooning a ninja on the run!! He then pulls his blade, a long katana with the head of a dragon on the pommel. She knew this weapon... the Iga knew this weapon!! The Seimei no Ha... Blade of Life, also known as the Inarri Blade. It was said to be fashioned from a claw shed by the great dragon god Inarri, a gift to a traveling blacksmith who passed one of the gods trials! The blade bites deep into the side of a ninja, the blood causing the blade to glow with unnatural light. The next strike went through bone as if it were paper, cutting another ninja in half!! As it tasted blood, the sword seemed to change, it was so sudden she almost missed it! The blade grew wider, the handle guard became a claw with talons, the ruby eyes on the pommel glow like flame!! She then heard a roar, the roar of a dragon!! Honzo moved like lightning, so fast she could hardly see him, she just saw his kills, screaming in agony as they die, limbs cut off and blood arcing across the moon causing an unholy rain of crimson!! Im in love... Kikyo whispered as she wiped blood from her face, This one will end this world... and I will be there. Tenshu Nui screams in rage as she cuts down an enemy ninja, Tenshu Onaga hides behind her and fired a long bow, the arrow charged with demonic energy and causing the target to burst into flame!! A tone sounds and suddenly the ninja throw smoke bombs to retreat!! The blue smoke burns the eyes and irritated the throat causing anyone caught in it to cough and their eyes to tear up! As the smoke cleared all ninja, including the dead, were gone!! The only trace that they had even been there was the blood and dead peasants that still lay in the dirt. Tenshu Nui meets up with Honzo and his men, and ordered them to pursue the ninja that attacked! Her rage nearly contained as she thinks of all the innocent who died! She brought them here to be safe, these people wanted peace, to be left alone to live together with humans... Now human and demon bodies litter the ground, like twigs after a storm. Oda would pay for this... he would pay with blood and pain. Nui vowed on her fathers armor as she climbed high upon her horse, these dogs wouldnt get away with this act!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 07:32:18 +0000

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