Anti-Martelly Protests in Haiti turn deadly. BBC Nov 18, - TopicsExpress


Anti-Martelly Protests in Haiti turn deadly. BBC Nov 18, 2013 Protests in Haiti turn deadly as tens of thousands rallied to demand the resignation of President Michel Martelly on the 210th Anniversary of The Battle of Vertieres, 1803.ères “We are taking the streets to demand President Martelly’s departure,” said Volcy Assad, a spokesman for Haitis most popular political party Fanmi Lavalas. “Martelly represents the minority, which has always kept the people in misery, in pain . . . We want to write a new page of history for children to have access to water, education and food.” International concern mounts over delayed Elections, Government corruption and rising repression in the impoverished mineral rich Caribbean nation. (Haitis Oil, Gold & Iridium Resources Explains the Post Earthquake Occupation/Invasion) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.614167988601418.1073742367.484017601616458&type=1 The crowd marched up the busy commercial street of Delmas to the wealthy suburb of Petionville, where Martelly supporters threw rocks at the protesters and police responded with tear gas. There were reports of gunshots and injuries, and one protester has been reported to have been killed and a university students hand was blown off by a police grenade....see *vid below It was the largest of the almost weekly anti-government protests since Martelly controversially took office in May 2011, surpassing scenes on the 8th of May this year when popular former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of the Fanmi Lavalas party made a rare appearance, Aristide was a witness in a politically motivated court case that brought out tens of thousands of supporters. See link... youtube/watch?v=esKTFuqMZys The protest was held on the anniversary of the Battle of Vertieres in 1803, marking the Final defeat of French troops in Haiti’s struggle for independence and the abolition of slavery. “We are taking the streets to demand President Martelly’s departure,” said Volcy Assad, a spokesman for Haitis most popular political party Fanmi Lavalas. “Martelly represents the minority, which has always kept the people in misery, in pain . . . We want to write a new page of history for children to have access to water, education and food.” *Student gets hand blown off by Haiti police, from the force known as CIMO, deliberately threw a grenade at the unarmed students. 18 November 2013. Warning: There is graphic footage. youtube/watch?v=u8bYFmGVNF8 The demonstrators talking, at one point in this video, explain how one student, Ronel Desir, who was sitting inside the University grounds, got tear gas and then got his hand blown off by a live grenade. The students explain that they witnessed three Haiti police, from the force known as CIMO, deliberately throw a grenade at the unarmed students. The grenade exploded in the University courtyard. Warning: There is graphic footage of the incident. The last minutes of the students life and horrific shredded hand is recorded as his friends and other students frantically try to help Ronel Desir once they realized what happened to his hand. This is not for the faint hearted. Its been reported, that on Vertières day, November 18, 2013, 210-years after Kapwa Lamò, were still dying for freedom. Ronel Desir, the injured student later died. But please watch for yourself. If Ive gotten any part of this wrong, clarify for others. Add your thought - Kreyòl, English, French, as you wish?-- Ezili Dantò youtube/watch?v=u8bYFmGVNF8 via Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) Haiti; Massive Anti-Martelly regime protests turn deadly. Nov 18, 2013 youtube/watch?v=2CJllFkxn-U 10 steps to Dictatorship: Why the grassroots movement in Haiti is taking to the streets against President Michel Martelly sfbayview/2013/10-steps-to-dictatorship-why-the-grassroots-movement-in-haiti-is-taking-to-the-streets-against-president-michel-martelly/ Haiti : Why is Sean Penn the Honorary Ambassador for an Undemocratic, Unpopular and Corrupt regime in Haiti? Haiti Anti-Martelly protests in Port au Prince, demonstrators call for Martelly resignation & Elections. Nov 8, 2013 youtube/watch?v=1zR3kx3awS8 Elections in Haiti, which were supposed to be held in November 2011, have yet to be scheduled as conflicts between the president and parliament over the electoral law continue... The Election is needed to fill one-third of Haitis 30-member Senate and dozens of local posts. In the absence of a vote, some 130 elected municipal officials have been replaced with appointees chosen by President Michel Martelly.... canada/news/Security+Council+briefed+rising+discord+over+Haitis+delay+elections/8843975/story.html Haitian Senate Committee Calls for President Martelly to be Charged with High Treason Haiti: President Faces Dismissal over Murder Case. 25 Sept 13. argentinaindependent/currentaffairs/haiti-president-faces-dismissal-over-murder-case/ UN Urges Haiti To Hold Elections This Year bernama/bernama/v7/wn/newsworld.php?id=961202 US Vice president Joe Biden encourages Haiti to hold legislative and local vote this year. canada/news/Biden+encourages+Haiti+hold+legislative+local+vote+this+year/8554890/story.html Could FANMI LAVALAS Sweep The Upcoming Elections? Haitis 1st Democratically Elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Thinks So... haitianinternet/articles/could-lavalas-sweep-upcoming-elections-aristide-thinks-so.html Haitians Demand New Elections youtube/watch?v=DCyQVU90Jd4 Haiti: protesters march again to demand the annulment of the fraudulent 2010 presidential elections - no comment youtube/watch?v=C0_Fn8b6QYo Haiti to hold Parliamentary Elections this year: U.S. Senator August 6, 2013. Elections were supposed to be held in late 2011... courant/news/nation-world/sns-rt-us-haiti-elections-20130806,0,4750928.story
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:59:00 +0000

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