Anti-Russians! - Soraya Assi The subject of this article is the - TopicsExpress


Anti-Russians! - Soraya Assi The subject of this article is the question I am asking. It is a hypothesis worth from my scrutiny. Ive had when I heard the news that it is not unlikely that the number of Syrians among Daash, and other armed groups in Syria, much less than the number of foreigners. It seems that in the last two came mostly from Asian republics that were within the confines of the Soviet Union. I depended on this information and gossip, you may not live up to the hard facts. I have less pain in the process of questioning, and build a hypothesis? Why they came from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, Chechnya .. and Europe? Where is the revolution? This approach is the basis of the Syrians in camps for displaced people, in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. Which reflect the exodus thick. Are likely to have resulted in the displacement encourage or intimidation, the purpose of emptying Syria of its population, and recruitment and they take hostages. To be levied to note here that some of these camps are already prepared on the arrival of the displaced. Remarkably, that is offset by the exodus of Syrians thick heavy flow of migrants also to meet Syrias «Call to Jihad». It goes without saying that we are about growing and worsening enmity and hatred between «Islamists» the one hand and the Russians on the other hand. It is not a need for evidence to prove this issue. The United States has managed each time its interests so require, mobilizing «Islamists» in the Cold War. The latter still make up the bench against the Russian army, can be called in time and place. The Islamists spearhead in Afghanistan. There is no doubt that the war in Chechnya was a Muslim. Contributed greatly to the exhaustion of Russia to the extent that almost the last to fall in the hands of the Americans. Another example of the manifestations of hostility «Islamic» toward the Russians represent the bombings that took place on the sidelines of the Olympic Games in the Russian city of Sochi 2014. improves recall that China also saw protests «Muslim» violent. What is the justification runner «Islamists» extreme states that are likely to help us against colonialists? What I want to say, that the repeated clashes between Islamists on one side and the Russians on the other hand. And that he was «the Islamists» role in the collapse of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Upon which it is likely to be the Americans and their allies colonists in Palestine and in Europe, being prepared for confrontations to come, on the Afghan pattern, between «Islamists» the one hand and the Russians on the other hand. In other words, is not excluded that the Islamists used as the spearhead against the Russians and Chinese. Clarification is needed again, that Islam these «Islamists», differs from the Quranic Islam, so to speak. It is closer to the free mercy and tolerance heresy, circle of the concept of religion. Where tribalism mixed with colonial racism. If this innovation found to mimic the Jewish Zionism, the Jewish biblical antithesis. My last question. Do not you agree with me that the animosity that existed between Jews and Russians in the era of the czars, and the ensuing massacres and inciting racial, facilitated win over Russian Jews to the Zionist movement on the one hand and enabled the latter to carry out a noticeable role in the weakening of the Soviet Union on the other hand? This gave it considerable influence Al`y international level. Is reap «Islamists» more than Afghanistan?!.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:41:11 +0000

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