Anti-Volnovakha. Horrible Killing of Civilians by Russian - TopicsExpress


Anti-Volnovakha. Horrible Killing of Civilians by Russian Terrorists in Donetsk, 22.01.2015. According to different sources, 7 to 13 civilians were killed today in Donetsk, apparently by mortar shelling. The shells hit the trolleybus stop in Leninsky district of Donetsk, Kuprina Str., in Bosse area. This happened around 8.30-9.00am. DNR authorities promptly blamed Ukrainian forces for the attack, stating that it was 82-mm mortar. At the same time, the location of the tragedy is about 15 km from Ukrainian army positions, and it is outside the mortar range. Russian terrorists announced that that rounds came from mobile diversionary group within Donetsk, and, as journalist Oliver Carroll reported, DNR representatives also said that the shells came from a 152mm howitzer, which would be hard to hide (as a part of mobile cover group). At the same time Russian journalists (or rather propaganda workers) - in particular, Aleksandr Kots from Komsomolskaya Pravda started calling this another Volnovakha in Donetsk immediately, blaming Ukrainian forces for the tragedy. Information that DNR detained diversionary group’ was published within several hours. There are many questions that rose almost immediately about this tragic event and its presentation by Russian terrorists and Russian media: - The coincidence: bus attack last week in Volnovakha charged to Russians, this time attack in Donetsk is blamed on Ukrainians. - Neighborhood described as otherwise relatively safe - not closely monitored by Ukrainian and international observers. - Rumors of car mounted artillery - how did that car managed to get there? - Why would they attack a bus? - If misguided Ukrainian fire - what would they have actually aimed at? - Quick arrest of covert group within 2 hours after the incident. Ukrainian defense ministry issued a statement, saying that evidence proves that terrorists shelled public transport from citys residential areas, controlled by illegal armed formations (i.e. Russian terrorists). Prime minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that Russian Federation is responsible for this horrific act against humanity. At the same time, a video was published at about 11am (https://youtube/watch?v=hruBqIUWXz8), showing how the Russians bring in a captured Ukrainian Cyborg commander at the crime scene, to publicly blame him for this attack. They kick him and they beat him in front of the numerous TV cameras. He is offended by public, and after civilians start beating him, is taken to the car by his captors. And we can recognize him - it is the same Lieutenant Colonel captured by Russians in Donetsk airport two days ago. There was a video with his interrogation by DNR commander with callsign Givi. Internet users noticed a Russian Federation license plate on the car Ukrainian officer is taken to. It was figured out that according to the number, it belongs to the Reserve of Ministry of interior affairs of Russian Federation. Dmytro Potyekhin, Ukrainian blogger and journalist, who was held captive for 45 days by DNR in 2014, said: The green Toyota here looks like one used by MGB. Now with plates from Russian ministry of internal affairs. License plate Т310ТС 96 RUS was also registered for Eduard Koridorov, journalist and PR-man from Ekaterinbug (Russia), whose last job (since 2013) was for Rinat Akhmetov, the lord of Donbas. Koridorov was working as a Director for public relations and regional development at Akhmetovs Metinvest holding. At about 14:00 another performance was stage: a group Ukrainian POWs were being led through the streets of Donetsk, also taken to the crime scene. Christopher Miller, reporter from Mashable said they were being beaten by the mob. Ukraine@war blog analyzes, using geolocation and online satellite maps, the direction and possible location from where the mortar rounds could have been shot: It is strange how a mortar can cause so many victims, because after one shell people run for cover. But here is a video, made by the Terrorussians themselves, that shows a mobile mortar, capable of firing 4 mortars in a row: https://youtube/watch?v=ZlOFK2mgGmA So it is almost clear that Russian terrorists killed Donetsk civilians themselves. But what was the reason for that? The reaction of Ukrainians to the published humiliation of Ukrainian officers (who was captured TWO DAYS AGO), being blamed for the shelling of civilians (that happened TODAY) - may be the answer. The Russian terrorists staged the killing of civilians in Donetsk (to overwhelm earlier Volnovakha killings with media effect), blamed Ukrainians, brought Ukrainian officer in car with Russian police license plates registered for guy, who is working for pro-Russian tycoon Akhmetov, shoot the video how he is beaten and humiliated by civilians. Who is the worst in this video for an average Ukrainian? Residents of Donetsk! What Kremlin wants here is a maximum amount of emotions and mutual hatred. They struggle to create a real civil conflict, without any reservations, using absolutely rude and straightforward means. Another goal that Russian war and propaganda machine is reaching here is increase the volume of alleged atrocities of Ukrainians, as presented to media consumers in Russia. This was needed to divert attention from Volnovakha shelling by Russians on 13 January. To divert attention from Russian soldier killing the whole family in Armenia, or from Russian terrorists detained in France. Blatant lies about crucified boys, old women being raped, cannibalism of Right Sector, and all other rubbish do not work anymore. They had to create their own Anti-Volnovakha. Mortar shelling of bus stop in Donetsk will become the news number one in Russia. The wave will be serious. Like a tsunami. #FreeDonbas #Donetsk #Terrorism #POW #Propaganda #Donbas #Ukraine #Russia #War
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:27:58 +0000

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