"Antonio Angel Santiago was shot in the head about 9:15 a.m. - TopicsExpress


"Antonio Angel Santiago was shot in the head about 9:15 a.m. Thursday as he sat in a stroller pushed by his mother, Sherry West, at London and Ellis Street. West was shot in the right thigh after another pistol round intended for her head grazed her right ear." Read more at Jacksonville: jacksonville/news/crime/2013-03-25/story/teen-defendants-brunswick-babys-shooting-death-court#ixzz2Zolwgw8l #obama has now given 2 speeches, devoted entirely to #TrayvonMartin. The supposed story is that innocent little 17 y/o Trayvon was just walking home, minding his own business, when he was treated with suspicion merely for being Black. Never mind the false elements to this narrative - even taking it at face value, innocent little Trayvon still made the decision to attack the person who was monitoring his activities, and he ended up being killed, as the man he attacked turned out to be armed. Contrast that with the story of a "White Hispanic" mother and her baby, who were targeted by at least 2 Black teens to be robbed... These were not people who were trying to keep law and order and protect their neighborhood, as was George Zimmerman. These young Black men were criminals who targeted a light-skinned woman who lived in an area that is mostly Black. The Black criminals targeted a woman, who was innocently walking through a park with her 13 month old baby in a stroller. When she told them they had no money, they pointed the gun at her baby boy, and they threatened to shoot him. She pleaded with them, begging for the life of her child. The young Blacks then shot her baby in the face, killing him instantly. They then shot the mother, who survived the attack. This woman and her baby were targeted and followed by criminals. Unlike Trayvon, they were walking through a park in an area where she was actually a long-time resident. Also, unlike Trayvon, they had no chance of fighting back. Had they been given the choice Trayvon had - to go home - they would have gladly chosen to do just that. Where is the media? Where are all of the so-called racial leaders? What about the civil rights of a mother to walk through a park with her baby, without being profiled by Black criminals who choose to pray on people they perceive to be White? The silence is deafening...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 22:56:52 +0000

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