Anunnaki - Give Mankind knowledge...Secrets Of Heaven And Earth, - TopicsExpress


Anunnaki - Give Mankind knowledge...Secrets Of Heaven And Earth, Laws Of Justice And Righteousness, Teach Them Then Depart. I believe the Anunnaki set up an experiment long ago that would enable us each to experience our own thought forms at an accelerated rate, if they happen to be dark thought forms, well then you will get a chance to meet your beliefs in the flesh to hopefully cleanse and heal them, transmute them into a higher octave. Our physical 3rd dimensional reality can be thought of as a school of sorts, for the soul to learn to use mental energy in a responsible way. Your beliefs (belief = thoughts, feelings, & emotions) create your reality. In higher realms of consciousness there is no time lag between the thought and the experience of that thought, so you can understand why it is so important to get a grip on your mental processes. If you harbor any negativity or fear, you will just create those situations endlessly, but there are always guides to help you out of your self-created prison. Nobody is ever left behind. All get it eventually, but in their own way and their own time. If your thought forms are of Love and Light, then those beliefs can manifest just as easily. Be mindful of where you place your thoughts, because there is a direct correlation between what you think and what you experience as your normal everyday physical reality & personal life, they are one in the same. We do not observe reality, we are interacting with it. Whatever you concentrate on, or focus on, determines the reality you perceive. Therefore, the universe can be literally thought of as your own thought, frozen into physical matter, pure divine energy transformed into physical reality. A universe faithfully and lovingly mirroring back to you whatever your own thoughts and beliefs are about it, regardless of which polarity your current beliefs fall into, Fear or Love. It would then be of great benefit & value to actually think about what you are thinking about. Learn to change your thought, learn to change your reality. Learn to become aware of what you are thinking. Then always choose the highest thought, anything else just leads back into the illusion. It is the path out of fear & darkness. We are here to become conscious co-creators with All That Is. Once you change one thought and experience first-hand that your reality does actually change, there is no going back. And that is a truth nobody can ever take from you. A truth that comes from inside, no books, or religions needed. The Anunnaki can see and operate within our possible past, present, and future realities simultaneously. Combined with their calculative strategy, they are thus capable of engineering very complicated and far-ranging manipulations of a hyper-dimensional nature. This manipulations/communication is at the level of Thought, Creativity, Humor and wit in the human race. Anunnaki team Light is trying to lead us into the light and to evolve into higher realms of Consciousness. They have given mankind the inspiration to understand Agriculture, Architecture, Mathematics, Music, Culture, Sacred Geometry, Art, Etc. Team Dark Anunnaki represent a negative polarity, they work to let humanity experience their own dark-thought forms in the flesh, so they may be healed and cleansed, in hopes the initiate will choose Love over Fear THIS TIME thus freeing themselves of that dark thought form by transmuting that dark thought-form into its higher octave. Anu, Elder Leader of the Anunnaki said, While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed. The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we. The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended. Whatever Destiny for the Earth and Earthlings, let it so be. If Man, not Anunnaki to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help. Give Mankind knowledge...secrets of heaven and Earth them teach. Laws of justice and righteousness teach them then depart and LEAVE. - Sitchin, Z. The Myth of Churning the Milky Ocean. The key ingredient is the Milky Ocean itself. The Ocean in which our entire universe was thought to rest. There was two teams of Churners of this Milky Ocean a team of GOOD & LIGHT and a team of Darkness. But it is not a simple matter of one team or the other winning. What they are actually doing and a Profound Spiritual Wisdom is concealed in this, They are cooperating towards a common objective. And that objective is to generate from the Churning of the Milky Ocean, The Elixor of Immortality. - Graham Hancock Watch this Myth be explained by Graham Hancock, British writer and journalist in the second part of this video. Start watching at 3:03 to get right to it. https://youtube/watch?v=8z97i3FBhSs
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:38:45 +0000

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