Any American with even a smidgen of secular sensibility should be - TopicsExpress


Any American with even a smidgen of secular sensibility should be deeply troubled by the maniacal religious radicalization of the Republican Party’s most reliable and agitated voting bloc. While ISIS is a rag-tag bunch of tens of thousands of Sunni extremists, who get around the Arabian Desert on the back of Toyota pick-ups, the Values Voter Summit is an audition for those who wish to represent hundreds of millions of Americans, as they get around the continental U.S. in the back of Air Force One. We are not talking about a fringe minority of disgruntled religious extremists. We are talking about swaths of the electorate who wish to transform America’s secular democracy into a tyrannical theocracy, and if the 2000 general election taught us anything, it’s that America is but one low-turnout election away from electing a religious extremist who wishes to impose the biblical equivalent of Sharia law on gays, minorities, liberals, atheists, Muslims, academics, immigrants, and anyone else they deem undesirable.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:33:49 +0000

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