Any girl wanna volunteer to break my heart so that I can write - TopicsExpress


Any girl wanna volunteer to break my heart so that I can write more sad stories? ;) :* :v Kidding. Better remain single from now for now. :) ^_^ I spam in groups and annoy you all but let take the pleasure of informing you that Im gonna do more of it. 3:) To those who havent read my story...Here you go... :3 12. LOVE LETTERS TO THE LADY IN RED (Came back to Kohima Science College campus after quite some time and got inspired to write this story. Hope youll all like it.) It was a cold rainy evening and I was returning from college back to my hostel in the campus, wrapped in my fat cocoon of warm clothes with an umbrella in hand. I took a road which I usually never treaded on, as I had to go to a friends hostel to collect some notes for some classes I had missed the earlier days; owing to the fact that I had contracted a cold from the freezing weather. How I met her was completely a coincidence. There she stood all alone, dressed in a red jacket, under a shops roof; trying to escape the rain. I had seen her a couple of times as we were in the same class and I talked with her maybe once or twice.when she asked my notes at times. She waved her mitten-covered hands in a fast motion in my direction with a face pulled and stretched in an emotion which was a mixture of relief and anxiety. I waved back awkwardly; finding it hard to move my arms properly through the heavy winter-wear. Hey, could you pleeeaaase drop me to my hostel just around the corner? (the please said in a higher pitch and pulled longer than normal) I would have called my friends but I totally forgot about my phone in the hostel?, she pleaded with her hands joined at the palms raised up in my direction. I agreed and with an enthusiastic yes her clenched fists elbowing the air, she just hopped under my umbrella and started our way to her hostel; which was along the road of where my hostel was a little further ahead. She was a really outgoing girl and kept on talking on and on, while me, being my awkward self, could barely manage a few words and replied in nods and grunts and just smiled and laughed at what I thought were the right times to do so, as I didnt want her thinking her all her talking was going to waste. I dropped her near her hostel and she thanked me saying, Thank you sooo (said in the same way as earlier) much, and then she waved her hands vigoriously and ran off into her hostel. I never noticed her so much before but on that evening we started to become closer. In the following days, we talked in class when we had the same subject combination and were seated in the same class. I opened up straying from my otherwise secluded demeanour and started to enjoy my talks with her. She was easy to spot in a crowd because she was usually dressed in red as she told me it was her favorite color. I always joked about it and she would laugh out loud in her very unique way, with her open mouth pointed up, saying it was a habit she was finding hard to alter. I jokingly named her Lady In Red, and she called me Chubby because I was fatter than most kids, as the name suggested. We often went back to our hostels following the same path and we would spend our walk talking and cracking jokes along the way. But somehow between the laughs and the jokes, I dont know how but I started to fall in love with her. I would sometimes pretend to go pick up notes from my friends hostels, just so we would cross paths and I could see her smile and hear her laugh. The path was longer and the road more difficult to tread on but it didnt seem to matter as long as I got to see her face. I even started to write imaginary love letters addressed to her, my Lady In Red, and put them in my notepad. I watched her and wished she were mine and I wanted to tell her how I felt but feared rejection and hesitated to make a move and so my thoughts never left the premises of my head and my notepad; tucked away safely in bedroom of my hostel. But that was all about to change. In one of the following days, when I entered my classroom there was an evil grin pasted on one of my friends face. He was a friend of mine who was both a classmate and a hostel-mate. Best of luck. Youll thank me later, he said with a laugh patting my shoulder; but I couldnt seem to comprehend what he actually meant by that. I went to find my seat but was met by stares from the Lady In Red. She and her friends were huddled up in a corner and reading words from sheets of paper and giggling to themselves. Imagine my embarassment when I realized they were the imaginary love letters I wrote addressing her. I walked off hurriedly to my seat, all the while cursing my friend under my breath for taking away my love letters and publicizing it, and made awkward glances in her direction while they giggled on. Just then, the teacher came in all of a sudden, prompting all of us to stand up and greet him. As she stood up the notes fell from her pockets and on the floor. I waited for the class to end and saw my opportunity and grabbed the love letters from under her bench and went to my hostel. I crammed the love letters in my notepad and locked it away in my suitcase. I saw her the next day and she seemed indifferent to the incident that occured the day before. Good morning, Chubby, she greeted me with her usual big smile. The following days, she just looked at me and just smiled without showing any other signs than her own usual self and I took it as a sign that she just wanted us to be friends. I was broken-hearted. After about a week she came up to me and slapped my shoulders and said: Chubby, lets just be friends okay? My thoughts and her intentions were confirmed. I just accepted the fact and became friends again though deep in my heart I still had feelings for her. Months passed and we started to drift apart; being busy in our own works and hardly contacted. Months turned to years and we went our own ways, pursuing our own studies and lost touch with her. Many years later, as I was walking down the market scanning for food vegetables to buy; my eyes were distracted by a figure, red in colour, moving in the distance. I recognised her. I went up to her and called her in the old name I had given her. Lady In Red, I called out to her. She turned around and started to laugh that same old laugh that she had. She slapped my shoulder and said in a high-pitched surprised tone: Ohmaigod Chubby. Youve lost all your baby fat. We both laughed and then she gave an offer for us to talk over a cup of coffee; and I agreed. Over the cup of coffee, I started to notice how beautifully she had grown over the years. It had been years but when I saw her again, a rush of old and lost emotions found its way into my heart and I was in love with her all over again. I was just admiring her and getting lost in my thoughts; when suddenly her hands hovered in front of my face and she snapped her fingers. Oi. Whadyu looking at Chubby? she asked as her open palms facing up moved sideways to and fro. Oh nothing, I mumbled. Well, she said, I just completed my studies and just wanted to inform you of something. Guess what? Im getting married. And she gave a long shriek of delight, showing me the ring her fiancee had given her. I was saddened by the thought that she was never going to be mine as I still had feelings for her and I masked my sadness with a congratulatory smile. Wow! Thats great, I said. She told me all the details of the wedding and we departed from the coffee shop. On the wedding day, she was so elegantly dressed, the white flowing wedding dress accentuating her beauty even further. I was sad but wanted the best for her so when I shaked hands with her and the groom I hid my hurt with a joke, No red today? I teased her. She replied, Well, at least my lips are red. She slapped my shoulder and laughed out loud with her open mouth facing upwards and her back arched backwards. The groom gave her a stern look and cleared his throat prompting her to stop her laughing and trying her best to retain a lady-like composure. Chubby, go and enjoy the food. You have to gain back your baby fats, she said with a giggle. After the wedding, I went back home feeling nostalgic as I had seen many old classmates I hadnt seen in years. I went to my old suitcase and pulled out my old notepad. I was going through it flipping through the pages looking at the photos and notes, when all of a sudden a bunch of notes appeared. They were the imaginary love letters I had written for her, my Lady In Red. Old memories came rushing back and I smiled with amusement. I was going through the love letters when seemingly out of nowhere, a small note which was foreign to me fell to the ground. I picked it up and blew the dust away and opened it up. It was written in the unmistakable handwriting of the Lady In Red and in red ink. I read its contents: My Dear Chubby, I Love You Too. -Your Lady In Red XOXO I never opened them after I took the letters from under her desk and I regretted. Realization of the fact dawned on me and I cursed my misfortune and I was saddened by thoughts of the story between us that could have been. But it was all in vain. It was all too late. THE END Do join my group MindOfVizo for the previous chapters. :)
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 10:14:18 +0000

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