Any given thing is said to die when it is separated from its - TopicsExpress


Any given thing is said to die when it is separated from its source of strength or power. When a leaf falls from the tree, or any fruit for that matter, it will eventually die. When you get that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach the moment you leave the house with only 2 power bars on your phone and realize you left your charger at the house, that feeling is because you know your phone #ShallSurelyDie at some point in the day. In fact, at the point of separation, anything that is not a part of whatever feeds it power/life is dead. Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Whether we believe in Him or not, we all live, move and have our being as Gods offspring (Acts 17:28). He gave and IS our power source. Separation from Him is true death. Hell is the absence of God which is absolute separation. As such, it is NOT a game when we consider that our speech or who/what we listen to can literally separate us from God. If what you are listening to is not of God, even if its the mighty Mos Def (or whatever hes calling himself these days!) and he drops a curse word on you, that word has separated you from God. Not that you eternity has been lost but at the very moment death is spoken, it can separate you. Ask a parent how quickly something can go wrong when theyre holding their toddlers hand in the street and they lose contact. Its not a game. Seconds of separation in this forsaken world give way to something horrible entering between you and your Father that can either maim or physically kill you over and before your time. Be mindful of what you listen to and what you are speaking to someone - you do NOT want that type of blood on your hands. #LifeIsInTheBlood (Leviticus 17:14) and it will seek, speak and demand restitution: And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said , I know not: Am I my brothers keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground. - Genesis 4:9-10 SELAH. MANU FORTI MINISTRIES, LLC Speaking LIFE to unlock the POWER within YOU ™
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:31:43 +0000

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