Any language we speak?), Dated November 30, and the throwing d. - TopicsExpress


Any language we speak?), Dated November 30, and the throwing d. Ashraf Musa - a researcher and lecturer in our project - which he addressed the talk about the problematic laws of human thinking between skepticism and liberation absolute and relative, and to respond to the various suspicions which have suffered. Also addressed the cash Mntkiet thinking based on the right of the power and utility of the majority in return for the right to the same logic. Details Symposium The seminar came to the three axes are: 1 - The first axis: the laws .. Between determinism and relative 2 - The second axis: any logic to think? 3 - The third axis: any language we speak? The first axis: the laws .. Between determinism and relative Since that originated human life on earth was in Khater man that knows a lot about what turned him from objects and natural phenomena, and with the evolution of human increased aspirations and grew hoped to see the ills essential to him, and with the conviction that there are laws absent him and the laws of inevitability to fly, speed, and other make human Over the times and places great efforts to analyze those laws .. Human shreds the fastest and the most powerful and knowing most of the causes of what is happening around him than natural phenomena .. Until he reached his analysis of the causes of what is happening here that the predicted rain and earthquakes and volcanoes as well as after a period of time!! The question is important arthritis, What man believed in him and I think Bhtmith Voouselh conviction to achieve many of their aspirations? They are, in fact, are not factors and one factor .. The first is the certainty of knowing that all Mahristit its associated causes and laws to govern the presence and movement and its relations, believed in the law of human causality or out of the attic .. The second factor is the confidence in the human mind to achieving tangible results .. This confidence is what made him optimistic, positive creature seeks to gain knowledge .. Because there is a strong correlation between these two factors has benefited them as well as the natural philosophers who - through the law of causality - touched to talk about the existence of God and sane reason not visible is responsible for creating the universe in all Maver .. However, the criticism most modernists denial of metaphysics that law did not amount to a denial of the law itself .. But only to question in some detail, as is the case with David Hume, which was confirmed by Hunter Mead in his book Philosophy, types and problems, saying phenomena located in the scope of our experience is almost inexplicable or waving it will be subject to interpretation based on the laws of cause and effect stringent, appeared increasingly clear that the main work of science but it is a formulation of these laws attic .. In the meantime, increased philosophers interested in the problem of the attic and became, in turn, feel that the concept of the illness is a key concept in human experience, and thus became the scope of the inevitable at the end of the nineteenth century, is hardly comprehensive only stayed problematic cognitive List Is the law of cause fungal and is derived from the human mind, or is derived As a result of her experience, not a motive and a reason for the experiments as confirming philosophers Almitaveziqion? But on the doors we entered the era of postmodernism .. Are the main features of the era known as the three carrying banners which we hear every day across all media until almost a breach of our ears, everything is relative and absolute freedom and uncertainty in the science and knowledge .. Consequently feet thinkers of that era three challenges to the law of cause and other laws governing the thinking of a humanitarian 1 - laws in general algebraic and restrict freedom of creativity 2 - the inevitability of the laws means that there are absolute truths while the right relative 3 - There are things we do not know the laws and its ills In the face of these challenges, however, to single out Aasana before conclusive answers to remove the thumb on Ksmnaha Eraah addresses as follows: - First: the inevitability of laws and not algebraic Despite the confusion is high between the concepts of arrest and the inevitable, which is located where the anarchists, but that is a big difference between determinism and fatalism laws inevitable in the sense that practically can not be free from the laws of cause and the impossibility of collecting extremes in any area of science, however, it is not compulsory to refer you to one conclusion ability both I worked with those laws or elude them .. As he says Ismat Seif El Dawla The inevitability of the laws or norms that regulate the movement of objects and phenomena not learned more than that if the event as well .. Event as well, and if you did not happen as well .. Did not happen, which is well known to farmers who are well aware that if they did not raise water from the river to their farms dried up the land and if the land dried up and died transplant if he died of transplant Aihsdon something .. This determinism necessary for people imagine the future that awaits them if you did not intervene in the change .. Those who do not know those laws or norms or who Aihtermun inevitability, Vsabzlon efforts Random to change their reality or surrender to their fate, also the existence of such laws Aaahram rights of its creative, but on the contrary Those standards is the only guarantee of the critic to be judged by which the creativity of the creator and the failure of failed, how to distinguish between creativity permission scientific hypothesis talks about the emergence of the land and the failure of another theory? It is by the size and strength of the evidence that the first leg in support of his hypothesis, compared with the fragility and vulnerability of the other evidence .. The strength and the weakness of the evidence you need to distinguish between the laws of the objective evidence, and the evidence is scientific .. Does the law has been prohibitive for creativity!? Or the same standard of creativity and motivation for excellence? Second: the inevitability of laws dealing with the existence of absolute right! Began to question the absolute and appending the relative virtues and moral science and the laws of thinking early in the era of Greece that spread to mainstream sophist warrior Per certainties and imperatives, for every person, its scale and its balance of truth says sophist famous Brocagoras human scale of things in the presence and in the absence .. This provision does not exceed the others .. Despite the seriousness of these allegations, has just missed spend on philosophy for the fact that God raised Socrates Enclha of this deadly dilemma, says Dr.. Youssef Karam With the end of the era of modernism, postmodernism Mvkroa returned to the same old same sophistry as stated in the book The older you philosophy that was probably the best of our ability to understand the philosophy of postmodernism better as controlled by three (if) large are as follows: - If the human ideas are no longer guaranteed our thoughts as we ... - If the language which we think can not indicate a meaningful way to the world, which is located outside of ourselves ... - If the meaning of semantics autonomous constantly changing ... So that must hold bad news for the philosophy, logic, and even taught himself ... And funny that he knew Alencbion money they have put aside their own larger face themselves when it acknowledged that (all science relative) Is this issue an absolute or relative? If they say it is an absolute, it is absolute recognition of the knowledge is not subject to the opinion of a person or a suggestion circumstance. They wanted to prove all the issues relative Vetortoa prove the launch issue of the veto had not been delivered, though they say that they are relative, so its validity as a law deprives the absolute total of all other issues and provisions .. The imposition of the relative in every thing is madness makes all scientific theories and ideological and ethical in the case of liquidity and therefore if generalized relative to the prevailing chaos all corners of human life, says Dr. Osman Amin Whatever trying skeptical Bastdalalath deep to be thrown in the spook people a degree of uncertainty and confusion and turmoil, the most trivial incidents of life spent on the doubts and misgivings, and leave it to other similar Astglua who did not examine the philosophical never! The conclusion that the existence of an absolute right in itself is consequential on the existence of the laws of inevitability enables us to perceive and access it with the subject to those laws and creativity in reaching its details .. At the same time, the existence of absolute truth not mean that our knowledge of them absolute, also the existence of absolute truths to Aalgy having a relative, Valdhuq humanitarian colors, clothing, food, music, art and beauty of the material generally is in the same relative and do not launch in. .. Third, the absence of knowledge of the laws and illness does not mean the absence thereof This case is just misunderstood and clockwork longer enough to ratify it, but unfortunately kick some narrow-minded to the heart of the issue and turn it to the rude and meaning to Mamvadeh (unless you know the laws and the ills it is not subject to the laws!) .. But any sound mind realizes that without Vzlkh repeated attempts and cumulative science and knowledge, which is waging its basic premise knowledge of human ignorance ailments with certainty the reasons for the existence of laws and tries to discover .. Then becomes the base so (unless you know the laws so far, strive in order to know the laws because we are certain that every thing bug reason ..) and the desire of knowledge is the will of the excavated in the consciousness of the human characteristic and expressed by many philosophers statements different Among those who denounced mentioned by Aristotle about that particular confirms that is a very human knowledge ills and says: - · We do not know without the right to know his illness · Any knowledge of science should be called wisdom? Should be aware of all the so-called wisdom, either wise advanced super high that the rest of Sciences subsidiary, acknowledging her duty to be aware of the bug fullness and goodness, the rest of the ills of this is due to the illness In Islam built Koran credibility standardization and ratification of the revelations of the book on the confidence in the existence of people who understand, and reflect and first door On the possibility of the human mind that is aware of the ills absent evidenced by the existence of God and the ratification Bmadjae by the prophets and apostles, God says (Say: Travel in the land see how He creation, then Allah creates Growing Allah has power over all things) Spider: 20, and in another verse (In the land of the verses Moguenin) Almariaat: 20 .. Fourth, the real liberation is not the abolition of laws If in fact there is no absolute liberation, but get rid of it is to fall in another entry .. Either get rid of impartiality under which refer you to the humanitarian laws of the collective mind to fall captive to the Qiedk selfish individual who puts you Qguanenk own Nzatk responsive to the individual and aspirations .. Vtaatkhals of the collective mind control and laws to fall under the trap Ferditk and fantasies which represents Qguanenk you .. And either stripped and liberated from the fantasies and the breeze and the opinions of individual affected by many factors .. Stripped of your mind, which at the time would be purely for humanitarian reason Aamthelk only you, but left impartiality and thinking to everyone and therefore refer you frees you from yourself you have submitted to the laws of the abstract mind .. We conclude from all of the above titles and themes to talk to several points show us they alleged anarchists and relativists, namely: 1 - thinking through the inevitable laws not algebraically, it is a call for reflection and creativity and manifestation of human excellence 2 - laws confirm the existence of the absolute highlights the importance of science and HH the pursuit of knowledge, and an invitation to the launch of the relative chaos 3 - the thrill is in the knowledge unravel the mysteries of ailments and discover laws and balances .. The denial laws and illnesses is Tamoat Science and Philosophy The second axis: any logic to think? We concluded in the previous title existence of laws governing the process of human thinking, according to one of the phenomena being in the universe, like the laws of gravity and motion, etc. .. On the basis of the principle of causality, as the human intellect is the result and the result of his thinking, it is also logical to wonder about the laws that govern our thinking humanitarian .. Todays world Limoges thousands of ideas and theories that belong to man and society, and many angles, political, social, moral, economic, and everyone evaluates evidence about the validity of the idea and feasibility of the theory and the strength of his thesis .. There are four laws rival owners considered the safest standard to judge all the issues and classification of Hakanah or invalidity, and those laws are First, the law or the logic of force The owners of that law are expressing the idea of health or exercise political or human behavior as a true because it achieves the power to the owner, has been associated with this criterion leaders tyrants like an ant Hitler and Napoleon, and others, in the era of modernity associated with the idea that his Islamic-way more great The first trend: is the direction of the German philosopher Nietzsche, who knew human noble as in essence the embodiment of the will of the force, not only Nietzsche that but use the same criterion to reject the foundations of the Christian religion because it is in his view reflect raising the spirit of weakness in the man then urged him to undergo and the lack of God! , Also is not surprising that reflects Nietzsche for Oadologith political that wanting aristocracy huge new enterprise system self stricter Maicon, carrying for thousands of years in nature men in power philosophers and tyrants artists, Flajb here that says Nietzsche himself The high hopes in this century, almost all attributable to Napoleon The second trend: is the direction Aldaronian who believe that the will to survive in humans - and not the will of power in itself - that He had to become strong in order to be victorious in the struggle eternal with nature says the late thinker Abdul Wahab Messiry The model effective in modern Western civilization and the dominant it is Darwinism. And by virtue of Darwinian logic can not accept rational dialogue, they are committed to the evolution of linear and believes that the essence of human life is a struggle and that any survival of the fittest of the fittest, and the only way to resolve the dispute then is force. The fact that the response to the standard power of falsehood is very simple, power is in the same need to be so precise definition of a standard fit to rule .. Is the meaning of physical force as it understands the philosophy of Nietzsche or the desire to stay and decide Aldaronian or self-power in the same right, which when perceived by the human becomes a strong Mstansa right in itself, as described by Almitaveziqion? Second, the logic and the language of beneficial interests The gesture of pragmatism, which attracted new necks and attracted attention than (it was) and what is (object) to what (will be) .. So that made the standard ratified say is Mitertb it so to say from the results, give me also say Mihdany either way in public life or in industry, agriculture, trade, the safest you instant that the words are right, regardless of what was and what (object) already Valbraszmaty says William James distancing away from abstraction and insufficiency presents solutions and verbal explanations tribal Darih (prior to the experiment) and the established principles and cruel, absolute and assets alleged .. He paid his face splitting and retaining objectivity and efficiency, bisected facts, splitting the work, performance and power splitting and Practice As we said in reply to a standard power, the law of utility itself also needs to be a standard for determining what is beneficial both for the individual or society as a whole, and does enter into the framework of beneficial knowledge and acquire queens virtuous as decided by idealists and religious and all philosophers divine mother is content with the benefit requirements of material? Third, the logic of the majority and the natural law Put the majority criterion relative to the benefit and satisfaction does not measure sets you right from fresh in thought and theory and ethics, but the constant change in the choices of the majority, which may in some cases to choose the thing and then its opposite, then had led by first experiences of democracy in Athens to collapse as predicted her Socrates and Plato before, the former criticized the masses put decisions in the speed and ignorance. Asked Alice from ignorance to solve the issue just replace wisdom? , And the second to set up a visualization system holds the stability of moral values and perspectives to the community but under the governance of philosophers and governments, But with the passage of time brought the Englishman John Locke his idea of political law of nature to the effect that the accumulation of choosing people for the systems will be a way of trial and error to be up at the end of it is on his own to the desired development of mankind in achieving justice, and despite the fact that Luke says Dr. Taieb Bouazza did not confirms the relative knowledge and origin of the trial, but was keen to emphasize the fact that the mind is just a blank page (tabula rasa), how can that is consistent position epistemological which the condition of mind Balmkzb trial, and the saying in the book (Almqaltan in judgment) that every person has the knowledge of the law Natural arguing that (all of the people who own perceptual and understand they are able to know the natural law), but revealed Lovelace edition of his manuscripts for an explicit reference to this law recognizes that natural light! The problem is that the law of nature is not necessarily seen only in Luke, but he also draws algebraic results of development and progress of his own as if to say Let the people choose in any way and standard and eventually will be the fittest even after a while!! What if people chose not to choose? And what if people choose to Tsafl compelling reasons of influences to enter them in? We believe the majority is not a criterion to determine right from wrong, but is a measure reflecting the peoples choices and harvest what they can practically satisfy the requirements of life, and this choice of what constitutes people also should not deviate from the buildings, the general humanitarian rules and the mental and moral, it is also, as we have said about the power and utility standard standard needs to be under control and determines its nature, and the most beautiful on the U.S. response Messiry Fukuyama about the transgressor of the majority of the project by saying, We have a project. We believe in God and believe that we can change the world. Yes, we still dream of establishing governments maintain justice and human being is not necessarily committed to the pleasure and his own interest. We believe that we can achieve a premium of progress while maintaining a family, we can embed democratic procedures in the system delivers human values that go beyond the general democratic counting fingers Finally, the logic of the right and search through laws Is our last stop through which should be on the human to look for facts naked and looking for the essences of things around it refuses all theses conflicting with the truth and reality and accept what is right in itself and realistic in his presence, as the very Murad Man is the search for truth as through Plato, and that of loves knowledge really a person tends by its nature to the truth and do not stop at those multitude of things to fancy people it fact, but still seeks the truth tirelessly, but Aifter passion until it reaches what everythings the same, the right is the detector of reality or corresponding to reality as Wise men say, and not as it puts some of the other criteria, such as the right to force or Mainf peoples livelihoods or what material it met most of them! Conclusion The thinking through legal controls to the logic of the search for truth: - 1 - is provided on each of the above criteria that puts her conditions highlights the difference between the right and the right of the power of the force, and puts the concept of a conceptual sound for the benefit and happiness and also puts controls for the development of a sound democratic 2 - is the beginning of an absolute right - laws axiom - to search for absolute truths 3 - is the sole criterion for the establishment of good values and change perceptions and create a genuine intellectual revolution on the conventional concepts of «Kalmmarsh political rights, justice, and national benefit. 4 - is the best way to create a new elite start thinking and controls to produce a strong, intellectually aware of the real fact in itself and make a difference in the life of the community for the better .. Read more at elbadil/2013/12/08/%d8%a8%d8%a3%d9%89-%d9%85%d9%86%d8%b7%d9%82-%d9%86%d9%81%d9%83%d8%b1%d8%9f-%d9%88%d8%a8%d8%a3%d9%89-%d9%84%d8%ba%d8%a9-%d9%86%d8%aa%d8%ad%d8%af%d8%ab%d8%9f-%d9%86%d8%af%d9%88%d8%a9-%d9%84/#IIDbyWdmHh62IewO.99
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 22:40:17 +0000

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