Any minority that votes democrat is voting themselves in to the - TopicsExpress


Any minority that votes democrat is voting themselves in to the lower economic class. Democrats, liberal democrats have had control of every American city that is economic woe. For over sixty years they have sold you on a fake republican war on minorities, while they keep you where they want you impoverished and under paid, and every two years they point to a boogie man with an (R) after his or her name and say its there fault. Heres the facts the largest percentage of black Americans moved from the lower class in to the middle class under Reagan, Democrats screamed government cheese. Under GW Bush the economy was in great shape till they took control of both houses and destroyed it, blame Bush. Elect Obama, a socialist. Bent on destroying everything this country was founded on. His buddies Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall and his hero Saul Alinskys all radical communists. Ever wonder why Obamas school records werent released? What did he write as his thesis? Well never know. He had those records sealed. Im guessing it might be some radical communist dribble. Wake up, look in to the facts. Before you vote, be informed. Check the record of the person who is telling you tour being held down by the conservative. Try to find out what that person has done to better your life. Not their own. Dont look to Reverend Al, he hasnt paid his taxes and if it werent for his buddies Obama and Holder hed be in federal prison. Do you really think hes gonna say anything bad about his buddies keeping him out of prison?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:52:24 +0000

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