Any teaching that attempts to separate God Himself into - TopicsExpress


Any teaching that attempts to separate God Himself into “parts” of a whole has transgressed the first commandment that Jesus upheld! Here are the things Jesus said- “One of the scribes came, and…asked him, ‘Which commandment is the greatest [or first] of all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The greatest is, ‘Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment...” (Mark 12:28–34) “[You] worship [you] know not what: WE KNOW WHAT we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” (John 4:22; KJV) In these passages Jesus purposely and adamantly aligned himself with both the Jewish Scriptures and the Jewish UNDERSTANDING of their monotheistic God. Not only was it commanded in their Scriptures and spoken by their prophets, but THE JEWS KNEW what they worshipped. It wasn’t the Jewish scriptures that Jesus referred to in Jn 4:22 above, it was the Jewish understanding of their God apart from (although informed by) their scriptures! Thus, Jesus spoke (in the perfect tense) explicitly against any and all past, present or future concepts, ideas or teachings that don’t align with the Jewish understanding of the “WHAT” of God! So let’s establish, once and for all, just what the “what” is that is being referred to in this writing… “And since GOD HAS NO BODY, NOTHING CAN OCCUR TO HIM belonging to the occurrences of bodies, so THAT HE MIGHT BE DIVIDED and separated from another.” -Maimonides’ Laws of the Torah Fundamentals (1:7) “(God possesses) NO joining, or DIVISION.” Maimonides’ Laws of the Torah Fundamentals (1:11) “Jews believe G-d is one and indivisible. IN SHORT...The Jewish idea of Gd is that GD IS ONE AND INDIVISIBLE. GD CANNOT BE DIVIDED UP INTO SEPARATE PARTS, where each part is unequal to each of the other parts, yet somehow they are one and the same. The Hebrew Scriptures describe Gd as an absolute One... In the Hebrew Scriptures…Gd is One, as we read in Deuteronomy 6:4, as well as in Isaiah 44:6, where Gd tells us, I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no Gd. When Isaiah tells us that Gd said, I am the first, it means that Gd has no father. When Isaiah tells us that Gd said, I am the last, IT MEANS THAT GD HAS NO LITERAL SON, A DIVINE PIECE OF GD. And when Isaiah tells us that Gd said, Besides me there is no Gd, it means that GD DOES NOT SHARE BEING GD WITH ANY OTHER GD, OR DEMI-GD, OR SEMI-GD, OR PERSONS, and there is no trinity.” -Rabbi Stuart Federow 2012, whatjewsbelieve(dot)org/explanation6.html “Literally, ‘echad’ means ‘one,’ but it can also mean ‘only’ or ‘alone’…I have heard missionaries claim incorrectly that the word ‘echad’ signifies multiples within one; i.e., the Trinity. But if one fully understands the word, one knows that such a claim is false. ‘Echad’ cannot be divided into whole parts. ‘Echad’ is a perfect and complete unit. A trinity by definition cannot be a perfect complete unit as it is divisible. HaShem is Echad—A PERFECT AND COMPLETE ENTITY WHO, BY BEING INCORPOREAL, IS NOT DIVISIBLE.” Author: Michael Fleischhacker, torah(dot)org/learning/phorum/read.php?f=37&i=3301&t=3301, last accessed on March 19, 2004. So then, any person who attempts to read into the NT or OT scriptures ANYTHING at all about God that appears to divide God Himself into parts or distinctions IN ANY MANNER has simply forgotten that the NT was built on the schoolmaster (Gal. 3:24) of the Old Testament, and not on any form of pagan ideas of hierarchies or divisions within God based on any of God’s characteristics, which the Bible explicitly denounces and rejects. 1 Corinthians 1:21-23 21 For seeing that in the wisdom of God, THE WORLD THROUGH ITS WISDOM DIDNT KNOW GOD, it was Gods good pleasure through the foolishness of the preaching to save those who believe. 22 For Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block to Jews, and foolishness to Greeks, Just for a couple examples are the distinct “persons” of the Trinity, or the presumed “human nature” and “divine nature” of so-called “Oneness” (Modalistic Monarchianism). Both of these false views are unbiblical and ultimately stem from the same ultimate pagan sources. The end result of, or perhaps even the beginning intention for, separating God into parts always seems to be to elevate the person of Jesus Christ somehow into being a part of God and therefore somehow “more” than human. The idea of Jesus being somehow not like our humanity (in all its guises) is the very stamp of anti-Christian Gnosticism that the epistles ascribed to John tell us to beware of. The thing that enables people to contrive doctrines that divide God or make Him divisible in any way, is very simply, because they have a) forgotten that the OT is our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, and b) They have allowed themselves to become spoiled (taken captive in their minds) by worldly philosophy (Col. 2:9).
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:50:50 +0000

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