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Anybody who knows good German and English would like to correct mistakes done by Bing translation? OSCE: no evidence of presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil German economic news ¦ Published: 01.09.14, 11:16 | Updated: 01.09.14, 15:05 | 115 comments Based on their observations in the Eastern Ukraine, the OSCE has no evidence of a presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil. A spokesman for the Organization of the German economic told the news. The Organization now has 250 employees in the region and can be seen apparently somewhat freely. NATO recently claimed to have evidence of Russian military operations. For days, the Ukrainian leaders speak of an invasion of the Russian army. Ihren XING-Kontakten zeigen Topics: EU, Yatsenyuk, contact group, Lavrov, Lithuania, Merkel, NATO, Eastern Ukraine, OSCE, Poroshenko, rebels, Russia, Switzerland, SMM, Ukraine, United States, Armistice Der amtierende OSZE-Vorsitzende, der Schweizer Didier Burkhalter, mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin. Die OSZE Beobachter in der Ukraine haben keine Hinweise auf russische Truppen in der Ukraine. (Foto: dpa) The Acting Chairman of the OSCE, the Swiss Didier Burkhalter, with Russian President Wladimir Putin. Observers in the Ukraine have no evidence of Russian forces in the Ukraine of the OSCE. (Photo: dpa) For the OSCE the situation in the Ukraine is different than for the parties of the conflict. Roland Bless, spokesman for the OSCE chairmanship country Switzerland, told the German economic news: Based on their observations, the OSCE has no evidence of a presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil. The last NATO presented satellite images, which should prove a stronger Russian presence in the Ukraine. The Americans spoke of an increase in the evidence a direct Russian operation in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian leadership spoke repeatedly of Invasion. The Ukrainian President Poroshenko reported last week the invasion of the Russians. For Lithuania no doubt, that the Russians in the Ukraine to act. Only on Monday, Angela Merkel had accused Russia, the To want to change borders of Ukraine with violence. She demanded clarification about the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine from Russia. Nothing like can confirm the OSCE on the basis of their own observations: bless The task of the monitoring missions is to objectify by issues represented in other through their observation spot. To operate the OSCE observers on two levels: on the one border crossings controlled at two points, which is Of course not possible given a length of 2,000 km, which has the Russian Ukrainian border, a control. However, the OSCE seems to through their special monitoring mission (SMM) relatively well networked in the meantime in the country to be. The OSCE is an organization independent of the parties to the conflict. They submitted their reports due to the use of own employees in the crisis region. Bless: can the SMM in limited operate in the circumstances because the security situation especially in the battle area. However it is represented in 10 Ukrainian oblasts. Also those involved in this conflict include. The OSCE can move apparently free after an initially critical. Two teams of OSCE by rebels had been arrested at the beginning of the Mission in the Eastern Ukraine. The official wording of these is that the staff is Guests of the rebels. It is obvious the OSCE is able to gain the trust of all those involved to a certain extent - a fact that could be crucial for use as a true mediator. But it is still not possible. Roland Bless: the next step must be some of the warring factions to a truce. Other activities of the OSCE can then access. The Acting Chairman Burkhalter has pointed out repeatedly. Now the OSCE member States could do more to strengthen one of the few instances that does have no interests in the Eastern Ukraine. Bless: the potential of what the OSCE could do is Not yet exhausted. There is a mandate to send 500 people in the region. 250 people in the Ukraine are present. As a next step the SMM flight observation instruments plans to insert. The OSCE is also member of a three parties - contact group de the Ukraine and Russia participate. This group wants to meet in the course of Monday in Minsk. Also an emissary from the rebels to take part in the meeting. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lawrow said that Russia planned no invasion and demanded that the OSCE should provide for a ceasefire. -------------------- Roland Bless, Sprecher des OSZE-Vorsitzlandes Schweiz, sagte den Deutschen Wirtschafts Nachrichten: „Die OSZE hat aufgrund ihrer Beobachtungen keine Hinweise auf eine Präsenz von russischen Truppen auf ukrainischem Boden.“
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:53:10 +0000

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