Anyone could be helped, but not all folks will be helped! In - TopicsExpress


Anyone could be helped, but not all folks will be helped! In seeking counsel, I look for folks that have or are in the process of, achieving goals that I aspire unto. I especially appreciate those who can relate to my present or even past position, those that have faced and prevailed in the face of similar challenges and circumstances...however the primary issue is one of, are they where I want to be, or are they doing, what I aspire unto? And two, can they help me understand the principles applied and path they took to arrive at this desired objective or objectives? Lastly can and will I remain humble and diligent, celebrating their success instead of allowing frustration to overwhelm and make me bitter? Israel during the Exodus could have had and enjoyed ongoing and progressive success, instead they murmured, complained, and failed in unbelief. Very often you can tell if you are on the path to success or in a tailspin of failure, simply by the attitude you display or the words you are speaking...are you complaining in unbelief and envy or bitterness, OR are you rejoicing by faith in your eventual success? Simply put, are you always complaining or are you choosing to, in faith rejoice???
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 14:47:41 +0000

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