Anyone ever heard of Pine Gap aka Area 53?...... According to an - TopicsExpress


Anyone ever heard of Pine Gap aka Area 53?...... According to an article found on the internets Fortune City, some time in the 1960s, the United States Government entered into secret talks with the Australian Government on the topic of constructing a Satellite Relay Station somewhere in Australia’s inland. USGS (United States Geological Survey) began to study geological maps and surveys of Australia. In either 1964 or 1965, central Australia was selected as the region to construct the facility. A Request was made to the Australian Government to provide suggested locations to construct the facility The proposed site offered to the United States was a 25 acre piece of land owned by the Australian Air Force with the option of expanding the land holdings. The site, located only 7 kilometers from the town center of Alice Springs, was inspected by U.S. Government, but found unsuitable. The U.S. Government then decided on the Alice Springs environment as the site for the future facility. Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, employs nearly 1,000 people, mainly from the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Originally code-named MERINO, it is the ground station for a satellite network that intercepts telephone, radio, data links, and other communications around the world. The facility currently includes a dozen radomes, a 5,600 square meter computer room, and 20-odd service and support buildings. Two of its ground antenna are part of the U.S. Defense Satellite Communications System. Central and South Australia and Pine Gap, (which has a natural dimensional doorway) have always had high UFO activity. In 1989 at 4.30 am, a large well camouflaged door opened on the side of a low hill inside the security compound and a metallic, circular disc appeared from the gaping black hole and sped off. The door then slowly shut. In 1975, a large white object, similar in size to one of the white radomes, suddenly leapt into the air and disappeared rapidly. In 1980, from a camouflaged door, three ’bath tub’ shaped objects flew slowly over the base and then one by one disappeared in to an oblong black hole in a hillside. In 1973 a camper saw a vertical shaft of very bright blue light emanating from the area of the base. A UFO, of dull gray color with a slight yellow fuzz around its edge and approx. 550 ft in diameter hovered above. A thin bright blue beam, like a rod, slowly extended from the UFO to the base. A few minutes later the light beam retracted only to be followed by a similar blue beam slowly extending from the base to the disc. Followed by a gold colored beam which appeared very close to the blue one. This process continued for about forty minutes and ended when the disc made some rapid oscillations ’lit up like a neon sign’ and ascended vertically at very high speed. In 1984 five witnesses saw vehicles were moving around the main base and groups of people in coveralls were gathering near the radomes. Suddenly a bright beam of gold colored light sprang up from the center of the radome area several meters in width and extremely intense. It looked almost solid. The beam suddenly cut off and then pulsed several times. Then five star like objects approached. Four were in a tight diamond shaped formation and the fifth which looked like a cylinder followed at a distance of about two miles. The four smaller objects each moved in small circles. The white cylindrical shaped object with a bright white halo around its center moved towards the base reducing altitude and stopped, rocking up and down for the whole duration. Blue light beams started flashing between all five objects and the ground. The gold light beam again emanated from the area of the radomes. This time the small objects began to rotate around the beam and ascend vertically as if they were examining it. The four objects then returned spiraling down the beam. They then all sped off in a few seconds. Seven more UFO’s were seen over the next few days. On another occasion campers saw a bright silver ball of white light flickering, then other white lights grouped with it and they moved away quickly....
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:12:30 +0000

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