Anyone in the US should be going to vote tomorrow (if you are of - TopicsExpress


Anyone in the US should be going to vote tomorrow (if you are of age) and before you vote, ask yourself this question: And if youre not on the side of the workers, of the people, of the folks just like you and me and 99% of us, WHAT is wrong with you? We are worker bees, we are NOT temporarily embarrassed billionaires. Ill never make a billion dollars and neither will you, so STOP acting like it! Now, vote with some sense, vote for the folks that will HELP you and me. That doesnt always mean voting Democrat either, sometimes it means voting Working Families, Green Party. Who it definitely is NOT, Republicans. They have no interest in helping anyone beyond donors and themselves. Trickle down economics does not work, it will never work and the proof is all around us, weve essentially been waiting for it to trickle down since I was a child and St. Ronnie Raygun was in office, and I never seen a cent trickle anywhere but right into some wealthy mans pocket. So walk into that booth and vote for the person who is mostly looking out for you, you dont have to agree 100% with everything they stand for. You never will. And most of them are corporate lackeys anyway, just need to find the minimal corporate lackeys and usually they have (D) next to their name. I realize some of you are in that 1%, and I forgive you and your vote. But if everyone else voted for their best interests, youd still be the 1% and yet youd never come close to winning an election.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 22:24:51 +0000

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