Anyone on my friend list knows that while in a debate I only - TopicsExpress


Anyone on my friend list knows that while in a debate I only attack the issues I disagree with and not the person I’m debating. Exchanging personal insults accomplishes nothing IMHO. However, I feel no self obligation to refrain from expressing my opinions concerning groups of people or organizations or politicians or ideology that I find to be obscene. The law is an "attack and an assault on the free enterprise and the free economy," said Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas referring to the ACA. Gosh, I certainly hope so Pete! And long over due too! Health care belongs in the for profit whatever-the-market-will-bear free enterprise market about as much as the delivery of other words not at all. And these greedy, selfish whores appeasing the 1% like Sessions does can go straight to hell along with the brain washed booger eating morons who voted for him. I often hear this refrain from the “right” that they want their country back, often meaning some obscure reference to the supposedly simple “Happy Days” of the 50’s. Well what the heck, SO DO I! The 50’s, when the GOP represented a reasonable, rational governing policy and was headed by a man like Ike. A man who gave us the Interstate Highway System, something today’s Republicans would decry as a communistic plot depriving free enterprise the right to own and charge tolls to the public for the right of free travel. Today extreme right-wing fanatics (the Tea Party) have hijacked the GOP in the House of Congress and the likely result now appears they will shut down our government, doing great harm to all of us in the process, all because the majority of American voters elected a President who ran on reforming health care and then actually did so after he was elected. That and because he is a Democrat and yes, in many cases of opposition, because our President is black. I’ve heard the argument that the Tea Party wouldn’t exist if it didn’t have the support of the people...and this is true. It (the Tea Party) currently has the support of about 19% of the American people. What that says to me is that 19% of our population consists of mean, greedy, selfish, racists, homophobic, and/or rather stupid easily brain washed people. The good news is that also means that 81% do not support or identify with the Tea Party fanatics and there is at least hope that come 2014 that 81% will send all these Tea Party elected crazies back to whatever they were doing before they attempted to destroy our country. Including the cry baby in this picture.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:02:46 +0000

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