Anyone read books anymore? The Burling Library is open to the - TopicsExpress


Anyone read books anymore? The Burling Library is open to the public, if anyone wants to borrow a book- let me know Heres the list: Literature Adams, Douglas –The long, dark teatime of the soul, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Adams, Scott- The Dilbert Principle Bennet- Master Skylark Bernard Shaw, George- Pygmalion Blake, William- The Essential Blake Bulgakow, Mikhail- A Country Doctor’s Notebook Campbell, Bruce- Make love the Bruce Campbell way Camus, Albert- The Plague Carlin, George- Napalm and Silly putty Clarke, Arthur C. – 2001 a space odyssey Connolly, Joseph-Poor Souls Conrad, Joseph- Lord Jim Coupland, Douglas- Microserfs Crane, Milton (editor)- 50 Short Stories Davies, Robertson- Fifth Business, The Manticore, World of Wonders, Tempest Tost, Mixture of Frailties, The Cunning Man, The Lyre of Orpheus, The Rebel Angels, one half of Robertson Davies, A Voice from the Attic, High Spirits Dahl, Raul- The Twits Daudet ,Jean Alphonse- Sappho De Quincy, Thomas- Confessions of an English Opium Eater Dick, Phillip K. – Flow my tears, The Policeman said Diltz(editor)- New Horizons Donleavy, J.P- The Ginger man Dostoyevsky, Fyodor- The Possessed Doyle, Roddy- Paddy Clarke ha ha ha Faulkner, William- The Reivers Findley, Timothy- Stones Foster-Wallace, David- Oblivion stories Frost, Robert- Robert Frost’s Poems Gibran, Kahlil- The Prophet Goethe, Johan Wolfgang von – The Sorrows of young Werther Greene, Graham- Dr Fischer of Geneva, Monsignor Quixote Gogol, Nikolai- The Government Inspector Golding, William- The Lord of the Flies Hafiz- I heard God Laughing Hawthorne, Nathaniel- hawthorns Works Volumes 1 and 18 Hemingway, Ernest- A farewell to arms, In Our Time, The Sun Also Rises Herbet, Frank- Dune Hesse, Herman- Siddhartha, Narziss and Goldmund Horny, Nick- A Long Way Down Hutcheson/Richardson (editors)- Other Solitudes Huxley, Aldous- Ape and Essence Irving, John- The World according to Garp Irving, Washington- The Sketch Book James, Henry- The Turn of the Screw Joyce, James- Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a young man, Chamber Music (in one volume) Kafka, Franz- Amerika Kennedy-Toole, John – A confederacy of dunces Kierkegaard, Soren- The Seducer’s Diary King, Steven- IT Lee, Harper- To Kill a Mockingbird Letham, Jonathan- Men and Cartoons Lowry, Louis- Number the Stars Mailer, Norman- The Executioner’s Song Mclean, Stewart- stories from the vinyl Cafe Melleville, Herman- Moby Dick, Pierre or the Ambiguities Mowat, Farley- Aftermath, Born Naked Ondaatje, Michael- Anil`s Ghost, Coming Through Slaughter, In the Skin of a Lion, There`s a Trick With A Knife I`m Learning to Do Pirsig, Robert M. – Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance Poe, Edgar Allen- tales of Mystery and Imagination Quinn, Daniel- The Story of B Richler, Mordecai- Solomon Gursky Was Here Richter, Hans Peter- Friederich Rushdie, Salman- Fury Sebold, Alice- The Lovely Bones Scott-Card, Orson- Ender`s Game Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander- Cancer Ward, The Gulag Archipelago Steinbeck, John- Canary Row, The Pearl, The Winter of Our Discontent Thomas, Dylan- Adventures in the Skin Trade & Other Stories Tolkien, J.R.R.- Unfinished Tales, The Lord of The Rings Tolstoy, Leo- Anna Karenina, The Cossacks, The Kreutzer Sonata, The Great Works of Leo Tolstoy Twain, Mark- Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Voltaire, Francois- Candide Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. – Bagambo Snuff Box, Breakfast of Champions, Deadeye Dick, Galapagos, Mother Night, Slapstick Waller, Robert James- The Bridges of Madison County Whittier, John Greenleaf- Whittier`s Poetical Works Wolfe, Tom- The Bonfire of the Vanities Biographies (By Subject) Bartok, Bela- The Life and Music of Bela Bartok Beaton, Cecil- Beaton in the 60`s Brown, Christie- My Left Foot Carr, Emily- The Journals of Emily Carr Davis, Miles- Miles Mahler, Gustav- I actually have two, one by Kurt Blaukthorph and one by Bruno Walter Marx, Groucho- The Groucho Letters Mingus, Charles- Beneath the Underdog McCourt, Frank- Angela`s Ashes, `Tis, Teacher Man Nafisi, Azar- Things I have been Silent About Liszt, Franz- Liszt Peart, Neil- Ghost Rider History (By Author) del Castilo, Bernard Diaz- The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico Lennox, Doug- Now you know, Now you know more Granatstein, J.R.- First Drafts: eyewitness accounts from Canada`s Past Maples, William R. – Dead men do tell tales Miller, Orlo- The Donnelly’s Must Die Northcutt, Wendy- The Darwin Awards vol. 2 and 4, The Darwin Awards: Next Evolution Ray, Arthur- I Have Lived here since the world began Reynolds, David- One World, Divisible Schott, Ben- Schott`s original miscellany, Schott`s Gaming & Sport Miscellany Schweninger, Loren- In Search of the promised land: A slave family in the old south Philosophy and Opinion Aristotle- The Nichomachean Ethics Chomsky, Noam- Profit over People Dawkins, Richard- The God Delusion De Rivera, Joseph- A Structural Theory of the Emotions Lenin, V.I.- What is to be done Machiavelli, Nicolo- The Prince and the discourses Marx, Karl- The Communist Manifesto More, St. Thomas- Utopia Nietzsche, Frederich-Beyond good and Evil, Thus Spake Zarathustra Tarnas, Richard- Cosmos and Psyche Thoreau, Henry David- Walden Toffler, Alvin- Future Shock Plato- The Last Days of Socrates, The Great Dialogues Potter, Andrew- The Authenticity Hoax Von Daniken, Erik- Chariots of the Gods, In Search of Ancient Gods Music Bernstein, Leonard- The Infinite Variety of Music Bogin, Meg- The Women Troubadours Bukofzer, Manfred- Studies in Medieval and Renaissance music Glass, Phillip- Music by Phillip Glass Leibowitz, Rene- Schoenberg & his school Lebrecht, Norman- When the Music Stops Managers, Maestros and the corporate murder of cla$$ical music Lennon, Paul- The Keyboard players Chord Bible Roche, Jerome & Elizabeth- A Dictionary of Early Music Mitchell, Donald- The Language of Modern Music Sacks, Oliver- Musicophilia Seay, Albert- Music in the Medieval World
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:36:04 +0000

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