Anyone remember when the main Demon-crat talking point was - TopicsExpress


Anyone remember when the main Demon-crat talking point was Republicans want to take over you life? So let me get this straight. When someone is off the clock, his employer gets to tell them what they can do? Because it impacts on their readiness the next day? Really? No one has ever stayed up too late, had too much to drink, enjoyed the company of a lady for a short paid while and gone to work the next day for yet another 12 hr shift, in the history of the world? (while I dont condone those actions I also dont control the decisions of someone else). The incredible amount of stress these people are under, 12 hour days, dealing with tweeners (adolescents) all day long, trying to keep people for hurting someone who goes out of his way to be a insufferable dipstick has got to be horrific. Seems to me the only one interested in controlling the behavior of people is the government headed by the head busybody and her husband. They want to tell us what to eat, where to go, when to do whatever it is they think we should do, how to do it and how to feel about it. Seems to me Ive hear that kind of attitude before. USSR, North Korea, Cuba, China (not to mention the Empire) and other ism have tried and failed at controlling people. Hey Darth..............heres you sign.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:24:18 +0000

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