Anyone see Better Togethers campaign broadcast on the telly - TopicsExpress


Anyone see Better Togethers campaign broadcast on the telly tonight featuring supposedly ordinary members of the public..What do you know up pops our old friend Clare Lally..but she is not the one that is of most interest..attention was drawn to the first women that appeared. She has been tweeting on twitter some horrible stuff. Earlier today we highlighted some rather ugly tweets (and retweets) from the No campaign’s latest “grassroots” star, Yvonne Hama of Airdrie, who’s apparently a big fan of the BNP’s Nick Griffin and the idea of hanging Catholics from trees. Within hours of the revelations her Twitter accounts had all been deleted and her blog on the “Better Together” website and Facebook page removed, with a BT spokesman telling The Drum magazine that “views like this are completely unacceptable”. So we imagine there were red faces all round when this happened just hours later. Yvonne Hama is the woman who appears three times in 22 seconds in the video clip, with scraped-back hair and wearing a white shirt with blue butterflies on it (the same one, we think, that she wore when speaking alongside No campaign chairman Alistair Darling in Coatbridge at the weekend). (Also featured several times is “ordinary mum” and Scottish Labour shadow cabinet member Clare Lally, along with an awful lot of recycled footage from BT’s first-ever campaign film over two years ago. We can’t be sure how many of the people filmed are Labour activists, but the No camp is clearly short of fresh faces. We don’t know what they’re spending all their millionaire Tory donors’ money on, but it’s clearly not videos.) It’s difficult to imagine that – with the furore over Hama’s comments having first blown up last night – “Better Together” didn’t have time to hastily edit her out of the broadcast and patch in a few more seconds of the 2012 clip, or just leave it a few seconds short. So the only supportable conclusion that can be drawn from the available evidence is that they didn’t care, and were happy to be represented by someone they themselves had described the very same day as “completely unacceptable” - someone they’d obviously never bothered to vet, as Hama’s offending Twitter account had fewer than 60 tweets on it, and could have been checked out in two minutes. When you’re desperate, it seems anyone who’ll parrot your message will do.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:36:04 +0000

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