Anyone seeing a pattern here?? Whenever Obama appoints someone, - TopicsExpress


Anyone seeing a pattern here?? Whenever Obama appoints someone, who is it?? Is it REALLY the best person for the job, or is it someone who has the ability/authority/connections to do what Obama wants done?? ... And, what about race? Ive also been seeing a pattern of him playing that race card, which is continuing even now (and friends have noticed the same). So, are we allowing a POTUS to remain in office which also wont follow the laws concerning impartiality towards race/religion/etc rather than finally impeaching a POTUS that has been many-times-more-deserving of an impeachment than the last two to face it over the last 50 years?? This is was I saw, as a hope, in this mid-term election... It was supposed to be a last-ditch effort for We, the people and our government to be able to fix the wrongs, greed, and general corruption permeating just about every corner of our top-level leadership (a.k.a. Congress and POTUS)........... But, I see it already, not even a week after the election, and far from getting to see the changes take effect, a leadership thats falling apart while still trying to screw over all of We, the people.......... Ive said, many times over, Im VERY surprised that We, the people havent started a second revolution or civil war (even as far back as early 2011) considering what all has been done and allowed to be gotten away with by our top-level leadership (especially the few most-mentioned 10-20 people who drove the biggest spikes and wedges through our Constitutional rights/laws and through our unity as a country)....... So, now were seeing ANOTHER person who was a former conflict of interest-job-worker (former Federal Reserve Lawyer) being placed in a top-level position?? Really?? ... or, am I just seeing the wrong information and/or dreaming this crap up?? Is she REALLY the best person for this job, or couldnt we do better?? ... especially towards the idea of finding someone who could be truly impartial and uncorruptible in doing such an important job??? Heres one thing that I see as a definite...... When the elections were showing their results last Tuesday, and we were witnessing a major power shift (if you can call changing just nine Senate seats to turn them from Dem-heavy to Rep-heavy) come to pass (.. which makes Obama a lame duck president), I told her that we will get to know how much good that does within the next few months........ With seeing this, and only a couple other things (mainly the threat exchange between Obama and Congress on issues around Amnesty and securing our US/Mexico border, and other such threat exchanges), I now think well get to see where our country is going within weeks or DAYS rather than a few months.......... And it doesnt look good.... so far.............
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:31:38 +0000

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