Anyone that condones brutality, violence, murder, war, suffering, - TopicsExpress


Anyone that condones brutality, violence, murder, war, suffering, de-humanization.... they need to get a grip. Wake the hell up. Your religion, ethnicity, gender, education, bank account, geographical location, genetics.... none of this makes you better or superior than another. You are not entitled above another. Violence begets more violence. Hate is not a superior state of being. Everyone... e v e r y o n e.... Get a grip. Examine your hearts. Examine your actions. Are they peaceful, are they helpful, are they in alignment with higher good, higher consciousness, are they derived from love, or from hate, or from fear? Are you a believer of a God.. which ever word you choose to use? Then seriously look deeper into your heart and source and know that violence, hatred, murder, war, grudges, retaliation, revenge, purposeful intent to cause harship, unforgiveness, martyrdom, superiority complex, deprivation of basic needs of another.... you know these are not of God and you are not on on a path that will lead to said God. You are not in alignment with anything of the God realm. Your justifications for any of these actions... is pure lower level vibration and is not welcome here or anywhere else in this space and time. Wake the hell up. Further, your unbelief in God.. a God, any God... is not justification or a ticket to disregard humanity and life itself. Our children are being shaped by every action and word they experience. It starts with personal responsibility and accountability. Lets make it for the better.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:23:53 +0000

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