Anyone who claims all poor people are just lazy have not seen what - TopicsExpress


Anyone who claims all poor people are just lazy have not seen what I have seen. They have not seen or refused to see so many people working a full-time and a couple of part-time jobs to make ends meet, or 2 full-time jobs, They have not seen a man push a lawn mower for as much as 3 miles carrying a gas can and a weed eater strapped to it to get to a job to mow a lawn for 35 bucks that took several hours to mow and then 3 miles back home. I see this often in my town, Alan is always walking pushing a lawn mower, he is not able to drive , he cant read or write and most math is too much for him due to his disabilities. Yes, he does get disability, but to often it is not quite enough to meet the basic bills to keep the utilities on. They never checked on that person that APPEARED perfectly capable of working to find out he was terminally ill with cancer and only had a couple of years at most. I could go on for a few hours with various examples along these lines I also know a few that really are too lazy to work, but they are the exception not the norm at least in my area. And most of those few are addicts and some of them that I know did not set out to be addicts they had mental and/or health problems and started out self-medicating and if proper healthcare had been available to them might have had a shot at a better life. They have not seen or looked the other way when a man with horrific deformities both legs and one arm sits in an electric wheelchair with a ice chest in his lap in the hot sun all day in a parking lot selling tamales to supplement disability, or another man get out of his 18 wheeler with his crutches due to a badly crippled leg and slowly painfully make his way to the store. They have not spoken to the same social and human resource workers that i have that with tears in their eyes have talked about how hard some of their clients worked and pushed themselves to try and get ahead and the difficulties life had dealt them and spoke of the help they needed to just make it over that hurdle that too often they were NOT able to get for them. Yes, they did have a few also they would just as soon have told hit the door jack and go find a job. There are so many stories so many different circumstances, my point in making this post is I think those that want to lump all as lazy, and push to reduce and/or limit government programs, which really are the only programs broad enough with the resources and ability to reach nationwide in every area that offer opportunities and needed assistance because of a few that need to be told to hit the door are exhibiting the most destructive attitude for mankind that a human can possibly have, especially when we have exceptionally wealthy individuals that dont need help that are getting very large tax subsidies they want to increase not reduce.. The small percent of poor that really are takers cost us a few bucks a month for the pittance they get, while the extremely wealthy takers cost us so much more. . If we can not get priorities right in this country this country is in for a world of hurt in the future for everyone. The bible is full of scripture that tells us to help the poor, I have never read any scripture that says help the wealthy--have YOU ?
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:49:08 +0000

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