Anyone who ever steps up and announces their dreams and goals to - TopicsExpress


Anyone who ever steps up and announces their dreams and goals to their friends and family is guaranteed to get resistance. It will start innocently enough with statements like; “We don’t want to see you get hurt” or “Don’t get Too excited about it.” If you continue down your path it will escalate to “You have to be realistic,” We think you are spending too much time pursuing this,” or “This may not be for you.” After hearing this for years, I realize today that the people who say these things are not trying to hurt you, they are just people who gave up on their dreams and are now trying to talk you out of going for yours. Some may think that is a harsh statement, and it may be, but in my twenty five year career, I have NEVER met a single person who is pursuing their dream ever try to talk someone they care about out of going after theirs! Many will quit at this stage, but if you press on it will start to become uncomfortable. You will hear things like; “ We think you should quit” or “You are just wasting your time.” It was at this point in my journey that four words motivated me to finish what I started…. “I told you so!” If I quit, they would get to say it… If I finished, I would get to! The truth is, when you have success you won’t have to say a thing… everyone will know. Carry on… ツ #myntmind #neverquit #pursueyourdream
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 17:22:17 +0000

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