Anyone who has read the Quran knows it repeats the same stories - TopicsExpress


Anyone who has read the Quran knows it repeats the same stories and events over and over and over and over and over but never accurately. The Quran is a collection of corrupted stories, legends and old Arab tales, compiled by men. Even the Quran states the Word of God was recorded accurately. The Torah was accurately sent down. Quran 6, 154 – Then, Allah gave Moses, the book (the Torah) to complete on those who would do good, it explained everything, and was guidance and a mercy, so that they might believe in meeting with their Lord. Quran 7, 130 - Surely Allah punished people of Pharaoh with YEARS and shortness of fruits, so that they might remember. 133 – So Allah sent on them: the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood as clear signs, but they showed arrogance, and they were criminal people. 136 – So Allah took retribution from them and drowned them in the sea, because they denied Allah’s verses and they were heedless of them. 138 – Allah made the children of Israel across the sea. Then they came upon a people devoted to idols they had. They said: “O Moses, make for us a deity worthy of worship – as they have”, said: “Surely, you are a people who know nothing.” 141 – when Allah saved you from people of Pharaoh , who afflicted you with worst punishment, killing your sons, letting your women live, and in that there was a great trial for your Lord.” 142 – Allah appointed for Moses 30 nights and Allah completed them with 10 to complete the set term of 40 nights with his Lord. Moses said to his brother Aaron: “Take my place in my people, do right, and do not follow way of the mischief-makers.” 143. When Moses came at Allah’s appointment and his Lord spoke to him, he said: “O my Rabb! Show me so that I may look upon Allah.” Allah said, “You cannot see Allah, but look at the mountain if it stands firm in its place then you shall see Allah.” Allah made it collapse as dust, and Moses fell down unconscious. Then when he recovered he said: “Glory be to Allah, I return to Allah and I am the first of the believers.” 144 – said, “O Moses, Indeed I have chosen you from among all people to deliver my messages and by my speaking. So hold what I have given you and be of the grateful.” 148 – People of Moses after him, made the body of a calf from the ornaments which had a sound. Did they not see that neither it can speak to them nor guide them to the way? Yet, they took it and they were the wrongdoers. 150 – When Moses returned to his people, became angry and grievous he said: “What an evil thing you have done after me! Did you hasten to decree of your Lord?” He threw down the tablets and seized his brother by his head dragging him to himself. Said: O son of my mother! Indeed the people overpowered me weak and were about to kill me, so let not the enemies rejoice over me, and do not place me with the wrongdoers.” 154 – When the anger of Moses was calmed, he took up the tablets in which there was writing of guidance and mercy for those who fear their Lord. 155. Moses chose 70 men out of his people to Allah’s appointment when a violent earthquake seized them, he said: “O my Lord, had you willed , you could have destroyed them and me before…. 166 – Allah divided them into 12 tribes as communities. When his people asked him for water, Allah inspired Moses, “Strike the stone with your staff,” and there gushed out of it 12 springs, each group knew its drinking place. Allah provided shades of clouds on them and Allah sent down upon them Manna and Salva: “Eat of the good things which Allah has provided you.” They did not harm Allah but they were doing wrong to themselves. That is how the Quran records the events. Evidently Allah did not remember the order of events, the people involved nor the conversations during the exchanges. Well, it had been over 1700 years. What’s a few details. 1. The 12 tribes of Israel were formed in Genesis 49:28, about 500 years earlier. 2. The years of famine was during the time of Joseph, centuries before Moses. 3. There were 10 plagues on Egypt, not one of them was a flood. 4. The 10th plague was the death of the firstborn and was very significant. 5. The purpose of the plagues was to expose the gods of Egypt as worthless idols. 6. The Children of Israel asked Aaron to make the calf, not Moses. Exodus 32:1 7. Aaron made the golden calf with the gold ornaments. Exodus 32:4 8. Moses was on the mountain 40 days (2 times: Exodus 24:18; 34:28) 9. Joshua was Moses assistant, not Aaron. Exodus 24:13; 33:11 10. When Moses threw down the tablets they broke in pieces. Exodus 32:19 11. Moses had to make a 2nd set of Tablets. Exodus 34:1,2 12. The 70 men were elders, not chosen. Exodus 18:25; 24:9 13. There was no violent earthquake until God presence came down. Exodus 20:18 14. God never reduced a mountain to dust in the history of Israel. 15. When the people complained for water, Moses threw a tree into the bitter waters to make the waters sweet. Exodus 15:24,25 16. There is NO mention of the Passover, instituted during these events. 17. The 12 springs of water were at Elim. Exodus 15:27 18. The manna and the quail were sent separately. Exodus 16:13 Some of these details are very significant to be missed, misquoted and misinterpreted. Since the Tenakh has thousands of papyri, parchments, vellum, potsherds, etc. to verify its text as originally inspired and there are no original copies of the Quran, one may safely say those who compiled the Quran used corrupted text.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:06:22 +0000

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