Anyone who knows me knows Im no chef...not even a cook. My hubby - TopicsExpress


Anyone who knows me knows Im no chef...not even a cook. My hubby will tell you that when Im cooking you can tell be cause every cabinet & drawer will be open when he walks in the kitchen! It can be stressful for me as opposed to relaxing as it is for some. BUT... Its different with thanksgiving! I love making my family thanksgiving dinner! I think its because Im just SO grateful for the life I have. Im so thankful for my hubby Juan, Who always knows how to make me laugh, and does so much for me and our kids. I appreciate & love you so much!!! Im thankful for my beautiful daughters who teach me everyday about love, patience and about enjoying the little things in life. Im thankful for my mom & dad, (Dianna ) who I never fully appreciated until I became a parent myself (dont worry, Im getting the payback from my own children!!) Im thankful for those friends, as few as you are, who are their to always lend an ear when I need to vent, or just to make me laugh. Im thankful to have a job (even though it wears me out most days!) Im thankful for everything I have, and all the hard work Ive had to do to have the things I do. Lastly, but definitely not least importantly, Im thankful for those who are serving and must be away from their families today...Ive been in your shoes, I know it sucks and I appreciate you all! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to ALL of you!!! Gobble gobble!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:01:11 +0000

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