Anyone willing to guess as to how many Animal Lives, time and $ - TopicsExpress


Anyone willing to guess as to how many Animal Lives, time and $ will be wasted on legal issues with the Dept of Ecologia? How long do you think the Community of San Miguel will have to wait before Director Lic Víctor Manuel Velázquez Ramírez and the SMA Administration and Community changes and decides to acknowledge the MAJOR problems at Ecologia and the violations of the Regulations Ecologia is committing? How long until the Administration (mostly attorneys) realizes that its FAR better to cooperate with the willing Community of Animal Lovers, that to hide, resist and fight the Public - with lack of transparency, lies and lawyers. We the Community, have our attorneys/lawyers as well - over 20 years of witnesses, evidence etc - including Directors, Attorneys, photos, videos, personal accounts etc. The SMA Multiculutral Community knows the Truth about Ecologia and the very poor job its doing with Animals and Nature. This is a commonly known and discussed fact. The people of SMA do not hold Director Velázquez Ramírez in high regard and honor. Anyone who has lived here for a while, knows how certain community members in the Animal Care world are difficult to get along with...and as a result Animals suffer - we suffer. Ultimately - so what? How much time, energy will humans in SMA waste? More importantly how many Animal Lives will we continue to waste before we can ALL STOP ARGUING with each other and decide instead to Cooperate in Peaceful Harmony for the True Respect, Protection and Compassionate Care of Animals. Eco comes before Ego or all will peril. This goes for all of us.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:01:35 +0000

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