Anyways might as well get this off my chest, before I get so - TopicsExpress


Anyways might as well get this off my chest, before I get so pissed and give up on my music. Im not one that nominally tells problems, I keep to myself,,,,, but I guess, where I been told my a friend lately, you cant always keep things bottled,,,she said find out who your friend are, they may help, having those feelings of uselessness will keep eating away at you, that right there is so so true and have been feeling the bit and sure aint a healthy thing to live with either,, here gos my story........ I says two and a half years I had a major blood in my left lung, and for some reason, I cant explain, Im not the same me I was, physically, maybe age has something to do with that, or likely maybe the wear and tear I put on my body, I know my back is not the best, my legs & ankles bother, getting some veins fulled out of my lelf leg next week While in the hospital back then, thinking maybe this is it, I had weird eye opening dreams, that I should do what I dreamed of doing years ago, and that is to sing, lol, so I figured I give it a shot. But Im so very limited for what I can do in my music, or in that matter anything. And plus since then & now my body would not stand the hard work I used to do day to day, for a living as a silviculture worker, and yes I been looking for something else a 56 yr old can do, and in the mean time of not getting anywhere on that, my self worth is running out, and really dont want to toss in the towel just yet. I just got to get my life back, and the money back in my pocket. For anyone that knows what Im talking about, knows,,,Welfare is like a disease. This message is for those that care about my music and me, and would like to give me some helpful hints, a lending hand, like I said this is very hard for me, Im a very proud person.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:48:00 +0000

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