Apart from Moringa being nutritive, it also acts as a curative - TopicsExpress


Apart from Moringa being nutritive, it also acts as a curative agent for a number of diseases Moringa as a treatment for Cholera, colitis, jaundice and diarrhea; take 5-10 grams of powdered Moringa leaves along with warm water mixed with honey thrice a day. If possible combine it with coconut juice. For high acidity of the urine, myxoedema, toxaemia of pregnant women, dropsy due heart, liver and kidney disorders, hypertension, constipation, excessive thirsty due to diabetes; make a mixture of Moringa leaf powder, carrot and cucumber juice, add a little amount of clean water, warm it a bit and drink 2-3 glasses twice a day. Moringa contracts uterine muscles, eases child birth, prevents sluggishness, and reduces excessive blood loss and postpartum complaints if taken by expectant mother (Pregnant women). For poor memory, night blindness, poor hearing, hiccups, vertigo, bleeding piles, indigestion and morning sickness; prepare the juice out of fresh or powdered Moringa fruits, add a little amount of honey and take it at bed time. For syncope; squeezed juice out of fresh Moringa leaf is used as a nasal drop. For an-eye allergy; a few drops out of fresh Moringa leaf juice is said to be good. For rheumatism, sprains, contusions, scabies; Moringa leaf juice or powder is mixed with sesame oil, then heated till watery content is finished by evaporating. If such preparation is applied externally, it gives relief. Moringa as tonic for children; boil a cupful of milk or water, add 3-5 grams of powdered Moringa leaves, heat well and serve the child when it cools to room temperature. Such preparation is administered in growing kids as a daily tonic. How to uses Moringa Stem- Bark medicinally; In men; Moringa stem-back bark is used in the treatment of Impotence, premature ejaculation and week semen. In women, it is used for treating scanty and anemia in young girls. For bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions or for any disease mentioned under Moringa Stem-Bark; prepare by adding 2-5g of the powdered bark into a cup of hot water, add a teaspoonful of honey, stir and drink every day for 40 days. How to use Moringa-Root- Bark medicinally; Moringa-Root-Bark can be used for poor circulation, to increase appetite and stimulate digestive system and as a mild tonic. A paste from the mature root powder is externally used in palsy, rheumatism, enlargement of spleen, dyspepsia and insect bites. In such conditions; the root bark is ground and mixed with salt to form a poultice which is applied on an affected area. Internally; Moringa-Root-Bark powder is taken for intermittent fevers, paralytic affections, epilepsy and hysteria. You can make a decoction in combination with Asafoetida and a little amount of Himalaya salt, and then give a half cup to a patient, once daily for 45 days. For otalgia (earache); fresh juice or an infusion out of the root-bark is used as an ear drop. For toothache; powdered bark decoction can be gaggled. For local swellings; a poultice of fresh root bark of the young tree is applied
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:45:27 +0000

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