Apart from being delighted that this has happened, I would raise a - TopicsExpress


Apart from being delighted that this has happened, I would raise a further issue. India is not alone. bans exist in Hungary, Chile and Costa Rica and other more recent news items hint at extended protection for cetaceans in Cyprus, Mexico, Vietnam and Malaysia. It also transpires (upon further research) that Switzerland has just banned dolphin captivity, with the proviso that her last remaining three captive dolphins will not be replaced when they die. Apparently, Switzerland joins Norway, Luxembourg and Slovenia in their recent implementation of captivity bans. Anyone noticed a mention of this in mainstream UK media? There is no ban on dolphinaria in the UK, regulation has assured that no commercial enterprise has yet been willing to risk the huge expense of meeting UK care requirements; that and a likelihood that much of Joe public wont turn up to the show. Hats off to the Mail on Sunday for their involvement in the into the blue campaign that brought about that change (shame they dont offer the same respect and succour to the vulnerable and poor of this nation). What I am driving at here is that our mainstream media simply doesnt reflect the desire or need of the people to understand our world - it appears to have no interest in that, choosing instead to colour and warp our perceptions with omissions, deceptions and even outright lies. The Internet is awash with information to which, an uncensored connection has pretty much, unhindered access. This story of the recognition of non-human personhood dates back almost two years. The American Association for the Advancement of Science declaration of cetacean rights was reported quite widely here, but significant related events seem to have largely escaped notice. Why is that? Japans intransigence with regard to cetaceans is often highlighted, but real progress elsewhere is never more than a footnote if its mentioned at all. What are we afraid off? Having developing nations look better than us? Indias violence against women rightly provoked outrage, but should we not also and just as widely, hail her strengths; and not just those economic? But theres the crunch, its all about economics. What really matters is how one goes about keeping that economic heart beating, who pays the piper, who reaps the benefits. You dont spread news that gives people the wrong ideas; news is selected to direct and control. The last great loophole that is the Internet, is now being closed, with that window on the world coming under increased government control through filtering. And coupled with the newly enacted gagging law, the field is set for a rolling process of the consolidation of control of the means of communication. Enjoy this while you can, or get up and fight it now; while peaceful means might still get results. We know from history that appeasement does not work and only leads to wider and more savage conflict later. How far must we be willing to go, what must we be willing to do, to preserve and reinstate our freedom; if we dont do it now? In Scotland, we can start by voting YES! But if that doesnt work? And what of elsewhere?
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 11:00:25 +0000

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