Apartheid and the theory of lies U.S. Secretary of State John - TopicsExpress


Apartheid and the theory of lies U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry strikes again. In an interview with Channel 2 News, he warned of another intifada if peace efforts fail. Then, in Munich, he warned us that the risk of boycotts would intensify if peace efforts fail. Now he is warning us that we will soon become an apartheid state if, you guessed it, peace efforts fail. This massive lie is coming from the American secretary of state, the so-called impartial mediator. Just like previous secretaries of state in Israels history, Kerry didnt come from a vacuum. He has throngs of Israelis that feed him this lie. They are assisted by many media outlets, not least of which is Yedioth Ahronoth, once all powerful and now merely an extension of the American embassy in Israel. This week, the top headline in Yedioth Ahronoth flung the apartheid lie in all of our faces, backed by a Nahum Barnea op-ed in which the code word occupation was thrown in as backup. Barnea tried to be neutral, as though he were a member of the U.N.: The Palestinians have a lot of patrons, even one daily newspaper in Israel, he wrote, referring to Haaretz. But ironically, the biggest patron of the Palestinian cause and disseminator of the occupation lie is Barneas own newspaper. Since the 1980s, Yedioth has served as a mouthpiece for the deceitful peace movement. There is no occupation. The overwhelming majority of Palestinians live under their own rule: Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in Judea and Samaria. They have political autonomy, governments, ministers, massive budgets (much of which ends up in private pockets, highlighting Western idiocy), police forces, security forces, foreign ministries, etc. It is true that the IDF envelops the territories but without this Israeli envelope, they would never have blossomed as much as they have. Instead, they would have turned into an Iranian outpost, thanks to Hamas. Apartheid? Here? Israels Arabs vote in parliamentary elections and take an active part in Israeli public affairs. If life here is so wretched, why is it that the Arab residents of Wadi Ara refuse to be put under Palestinian rule if a peace deal is ever signed? Why do infiltrators from Africa beg to stay here, while thousands of Africans brave limitless dangers in efforts to get in? How is Israel an apartheid state if the only growing and flourishing Christian community in the entire Middle East is right here? The rest of the Christians in the region, including the ones in the Palestinian Authority, have become a persecuted minority and many of them have fled to Europe and the U.S. Yedioth Ahronoth and certain members of the American administration believe that by scaring Israelis with boycotts and apartheid and political tsunamis and other vows and empty threats, they can pressure us to yield and make peace. But we already want peace. For a hundred years we have been agreeing to the most terrible partition plans. They are the ones who are not interested. In this regard, the regions Arabs are nothing if not consistent, despite the media outlets that try to mask their rejectionist behavior. This is the future that Barnea and the Israeli Left see for Israel: At first, Israel will be an apartheid state, shunned by the world and isolated. Then, the world will force us to become a binational state. This prophecy will never materialize, Mr. Barnea. Not because of any miracle, but because it is a lie. If we fight for the truth instead of feeding the world lies, the way your newspaper does, then the world will understand. Well-known groups across the globe describe the Jews as being puppet masters, pulling the strings of various governments. Barnea, and the Israeli Left (alongside the hundreds of representatives in the Israeli media that displays a wonderful one-sided version of pluralism), have their own brand of puppeteer Jews: the settlers (with the occasional stand-in: the ultra-Orthodox). According to Barnea, The political lobby for the settlements represents a tiny, extreme minority, renounced by the majority of the Israeli public. Minority? In fact, a massive majority of Israeli society (certainly among the Jewish public) views the settlers as idealistic pioneers who serve as a physical as well as moral safety belt in the justified efforts to hold on to our land. But for the last 30 years, they have served as Yedioth Ahronoths punching bags and prey to the various political suicide plans put forth by Shimon Peres and Tzipi Livni and the resident U.S. secretary of state. Despite what Barnea suggests in his detrimental writings, it is not the Israelis who are buckling under the weight of the settlement occupation. In fact, the opposite is true: For decades, Israeli society has been weighed down by the occupation of the leftist media, the leftist academia and other leftist power centers. Kerry is not the problem. The problem is the false theory of Israeli apartheid and occupation. Just like our battle with the Palestinians is not territorial but rather nationalistic and religious, so our internal battle is not about the future of Judea and Samaria, but rather over our national identity. On this issue, it appears, the majority of Israeli society may have some news for Barnea and his buddies.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 19:39:18 +0000

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