Apocrypha (word meaning hidden) There are 66 books in the King - TopicsExpress


Apocrypha (word meaning hidden) There are 66 books in the King James Bible, but there were more before 1885, when some books were removed....Esdra being one of them. 1 On the third day, while I was sitting under an oak tree, 2 suddenly a voice came out of a bush near me and called, Ezra! Ezra! I stood up and answered, Here I am, Lord. 3 The voice continued, I revealed myself from a bush and spoke to Moses when my people were slaves in Egypt. 4 I sent him to lead them out of Egypt, and I brought them to Mount Sinai. I kept Moses with me there on the mountain for a long time, 5 while I told him the secrets about the ages and the end of time. I told him 6 what to make public and what to keep secret. 7 Now I command you 8 to memorize the signs, visions, and interpretations that I have given you. 9 You will be taken out of this world into the heavenly world where you and others like you will live with my son until the end of time. 10 The world is no longer young; it is rapidly approaching old age. 11 The whole history of the world is divided into twelve periods, and the tenth period has already arrived 12 and it is half over; only two and a half parts remain. 13 So set your house in order, warn your people, comfort those who are humble, and teach those who are wise. Then say good-bye to this mortal life. 14 Put earthly cares away from you, throw down your human burdens, and lay aside your weak human nature. 15 Put all your anxieties aside, and get ready to leave this world quickly. 16 You have seen many evil things already, but far worse things are about to happen. 17 As the world grows older and weaker, the evils that will come upon its people will multiply. 18 Truth will depart and falsehood will draw ever nearer. The eagle you saw in your vision is just about to arrive. Dr. W. Eugene Scott (Speaking of the three headed eagle from the book of II Esdra) II Edras - The Three Headed Eagle This three-headed eagle which will rise out of the sea (sea meaning people) has been resting, will be revived for the anti-Christ to come. The head on the right (the power of the Tsar of Russia) the head on the left (the power of the German Kaiser) and the center head (the power of Rome, or Pope) must all take shape before the anti-Christ can come. All of which, are in place. The three headed eagle has 12 feathered covered wings (wings are kingdoms/nations) 10 of which the three heads will eat (encompass/dominate). There will be 2 wings left which will bring the end of the eagle.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 00:50:18 +0000

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