Apologies for a slight hiatus, but there have been what can only - TopicsExpress


Apologies for a slight hiatus, but there have been what can only be called developments in my psychotic other world. The armed seige continues. Eastend Gangster is still holding out against the Rozzers. I know hes getting help from the other voices in my head. Theyve actually formed an escape committee, and have got Jozef and Lucas digging an escape tunnel for him. This has meant the new extension is on hold at the moment, which is no bad thing to be honest. I think Dominos are in cahoots with them, because they must be making a bloody fortune delivering pizzas every day. The Old Bill have even started adding a few extra to the order every night so they can all have one. It all smacks of corruption to me. I have a new identifiable voice in my head. Italian called Rico who has a rather unsavoury past by the sound of it. Hes a mate, or rather, a business acquaintance of Razors. Hes very charming but he scares the holy crap out of me. He has a way of saying buongiorno, that makes it sound like a declaration of war. Ive tried to stay above all this, as befits my current life as a Shaolin Monk, but its not easy with everyone in my head running around waving guns, swords, and lighsabres about. This has to stop. Had a meeting with my counsellor lady yesterday afternoon. When I told her what was going on she started backing away across her office and made sure her desk was between us at all times after that. Odd woman. Right then as for todays words of wisdom and enlightenment; Do not remove a fly from your friends forehead with a hatchet, and A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. No wonder the path to enlightement is so bloody long. And finally, Please remember to wash your hands after using the facilities provided, and today an extra one, in case of accidents, always ensure you are wearing clean underwear. Peace and love, Grasshoppers. (Terms and conditions apply. Kitten Killers and French Nationals are excluded from this offer.)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:36:25 +0000

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