Apophyllite: Clear Apophyllite with Stilbite creates a conscious - TopicsExpress


Apophyllite: Clear Apophyllite with Stilbite creates a conscious connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm including the angelic kingdom. The use of this high vibration crystal will enhance clear sight, develop intuition and enable you to see the future. It is a calming stone... which releases stress and aids decision making. One of the images (below) shows Clear Apophyllite with Stilbite. The clear pyramid at the top of the photo is the Apophyllite, and the yellow part is Stilbite, which is a type of Zeolite. These two stones are often found growing together. There is also a green variety of this stone... known as Green Apophyllite, and it is a lovely heart based crystal. Apophyllite Crystals... Infuse Your Being With Light & Aid Angelic Contact Apophyllite stones have a high vibration that will raise your spirits, and spiritually energize your being. The lovely clear pyramids are particularly wonderful to work with. They stimulate your pineal gland and help to open you up to spiritual awakening... by infusing your light-body with high vibration energy. These crystals have a unique vibration that can be used in a number of ways. They have an excellent ability to transmit their energy, and are uplifting to simply keep in the room with you. This may give you relief from stress, tension and anxiety. Use a group of them to grid your home, so you can feel better all the time. The flow of spiritual light they convey to you from the higher realms, brings hope for the future, and also helps you to release negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. Their energy aids you to feel calmer, more relaxed and happier within yourself. Use them in your meditation as they are powerful aids to assist guidance from spirit, your guides and the angels... especially if you place a pyramid on your third eye while meditating. While they have potent metaphysical attributes they also have a number of excellent healing properties. Where Does It Come From ... Apophyllite Meaning The meaning of the name Apophyllite, comes from the Greek words that mean get and leaf... referring to its proclivity to exfoliate like a leaf, when heated. These crystals comes in a range of colors... but the most common are the clear or colorless crystals, and the Green Apophyllite stones. When this article refers to the clear crystals, this may also include stones that are opaque, and those that are a mix of white and clear. Other less common colors are totally white stones, grayish white, yellowish, rose red shades, and some quite rare black crystals... caused by inclusions of other minerals, possibly Hematite. They are commonly found in combination with yellow Stilbite. While these crystals may be found in places other than India... including Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Britain, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Canada and Australia... the best stones are said to come from Poona in India. These stones form in a number of different configurations. You will find them in a naturally occurring pyramid shape, as druzy crystals on another mineral, in clusters and in the massive form. These stones have a high water content, which gives them the ability to conduct electricity. Why Would You Use It Apophyllite stones are powerful to aid you to become spiritually uplifted. Their resonance aids you to release negative energy, aiding you to be happier, calmer and more at peace... while simultaneously infusing your auric field with high vibration light energy from the spiritual realms. In particular these crystals will stimulate the area of the third eye chakra... intensifying your inner vision, and clearing any blockages in the crown chakra. Once you have removed any stagnant energy that may be blocking your crown chakra, this allows the flow of light from spirit to move throughout your being to infuse you with spiritual light and love. Apophyllite As your inner being starts to fully resonate with this highly spiritual vibration, allow yourself to gently move upwards on the path to the higher realms. As you travel upwards via the eighth chakra, also known as the soul star chakra... you may make contact with beings in the higher realms. These light beings will become aware of your energy, and come forward to make contact with you. Traveling in these realms can create amazing experiences... and by expanding your inner vision, open you up to utilizing a greater number of spiritual gifts. Using It For Crystal Gazing Or Scrying The clear stones and pyramids can be used for crystal gazing or scrying, and they are quite easy to use. Rather than staring deeply into your crystal, simply place it off to the side a little. This sideways viewing is also helpful to aid you to gain information about things that may happen in the future. Keep an awareness of your desire to travel to the higher realms, while you allow yourself to kind of glaze over. Look at your Apophyllite crystalClear Apophyllite from the corner of your eye, but at the same time look past it. This is sort of like you might do if you were day dreaming, when you lose awareness of your surroundings. As soon as you feel that you have the conscious connection to the spiritual realm, simply allow yourself to travel where the images take you, and do not try to make sense of any of it, just go with the flow. You may find yourself traveling up bright white passages of light, which is very calming and so relaxing. If you wish to close your eyes do so... just flow with whatever feels right for you. Using this crystal may aid you to break through the veil to discover what has been preventing you from experiencing true happiness. Use this experience to learn more about who you are, and what your deep inner reasons might be for many of your current and past actions. You may find you will make contact with beings who will give you guidance about how to move forward in your life, to gain the most out of your current situation. Even if you have not seen using your psychic vision before, you are likely to experience this gift when using this crystal. These visions ...also known as clairvoyance, are a common outcome of using these crystals... as they open up your spiritual and psychic abilities. Using these crystals may also stimulate the birth of a variety of other types of psychic based communication gifts... including expanding your intuitive abilities, remote viewing and boosting your telepathic abilities. It is also an excellent crystal to aid astral travel, as it gives a stable connection back to your body to aid your return. It is known to aid access to the Akashic records... the repository of all the information about what has ever been. The other excellent attribute is that it aids you to have total conscious awareness of what happens to you in spirit... and on your return aids you to remember messages from the Divine mind. It is important though to write down what you were told when you return, and keeping a journal may assist you to keep a record of this, to track your progress. Meditation With An Apophyllite Pyramid Apophylite is easy to buy... and one of the best ways to use this crystal is to meditate with it. These high vibration crystals will aid you to make contact with spirit and with the angels. A powerful way to use it is to place it on your third eye while you are meditating. You can use a small Apophyllite pyramidClear Apophyllite if you have one for this purpose. Single small pyramids are quite easy to obtain and are usually reasonably inexpensive as well, and are a powerful way to use this stone... either in meditation or for crystal gazing or scrying. Place the pyramid base down on your forehead within your third eye and close your eyes. Because your pineal gland is located within this chakra, placing it there stimulates inner vision. It is from the area of your higher chakras that your visionary abilities emerge, and it is also where most types of psychic abilities originate. This is an excellent way to begin connecting with guides and other spiritual beings... including making contact with angels. It is common for this crystal to aid you to make a connection with new spirit guides that may wish to work with you. If you have not previously found your spirit guide, using this stone to do a psychic boosting meditation may aid you with connecting with your spirit guide. Apophyllite Cluster Some like to immerse their selves in its energy, in an in-depth way. And have found that since they began using this crystal for greater periods, they experience psychic visions and when allowed would slip into that relaxed sort of day dreamy feeling. Even doing the dishes... a time that it is easy to slip into a day dream, some have reported to have seen spiritual beings in their mind and felt their contact and saw and felt gorgeous green beings surrounded by bright, clear green light filled their being, and felt great to be alive! Some keep these crystals quite close by as they create such a wonderful energy. This is a truly mind expanding crystal, and both the clear and green stones have a truly lovely energy! Although it is said that it is the Green Apophyllite that is the heart based variety, I have been concentrating on using the clear stones and I must say that the energy coming from them is truly loving. I now feel that the clear variety can also be categorized as a heart chakra stone along with the green variety. How To Use It To Grid A Room Using these crystals is one of the ways to relieve stress and they also help you to let go of fear and stifled emotions. These are lovely stones to grid your home with, and this is particularly helpful if you have been suffering from depression, anxiety or stress. They have a number of helpful qualities that make them an excellent stone to use to grid your home.You can buy Apophyllite pyramids or Clear Apophyllite to use to grid your bed. For this use, put one pyramid on each of the four legs of your bed, between the mattress and the base, and one in the middle. This helps to have a good nights sleep, and to wake relaxed and happy. No doubt this also contributes to ongoing spiritual development... so this is an excellent use for them. If you can get five pyramids... or clusters if you like... you can use them to grid either a specific room or even your entire home. There is more than one way to do this and it is up to you to choose which way you prefer. One way is place one piece in each corner, and another one in the center. If you want you can use a combination of the clear crystals with clusters of Green Apophyllite, as either will be fine. Another way is to simply place them with one stone facing in each of the four directions, and one in the middle and this will create an energy grid, that will clear, purify and energize the room with spiritual light. Whichever way you choose to use it they have a powerful resonance that will transmit its energy throughout the area where they are located. The clear Apophyllite crystals, have a different vibration than the Green stones but they can be combined when using them for this purpose. Healing Attributes... Wearing Apophyllite Apophyllite creates excellent healing actions in the body, and this is related to the light and energy that infuses your system. If you do Reiki, it will help your client to go into a deeper state of relaxation and aid them to heal. Use it by simply placing a piece of this crystal... and pyramids work well for this purpose, in the room where you do the healing. Clear Apophyllite has a strong action to aid spiritual healing on a deep soul level. It is a helpful stone to aid depression, anxiety and stress related issues. It will help to dissolve blockages in many areas of the body, and may be combined with any other stone to boost that stones energy to bring through healing. Use it to aid allergic asthma... by placing a piece on the chest. It has a good healing action within the lymphatic system due to the high water content of these stones. It also aids your respiratory system and your eyes, and they say that if you lie with a pyramid on each eye that it will help your eyesight. These stones are also helpful to aid you with decision making. The clear Apophyllite crystals are worth having in your life as they will infuse your light-body with high vibration energy, that is powerful to aid your healing... both spiritually and physically. These stones have a strong vibration that will elevate your spirits, and energize your entire being. The lovely clear pyramids are particularly wonderful to work with, and are easy to use as well as being useful tools for using for a number of purposes. Place a pyramid on your forehead to stimulate your pineal gland during mediation... as this will aid your spiritual awakening. Use it for scrying, or simply have one in your environment, as they are excellent stones to bring your spiritual growth to the next level. Combining It With Other Stones Using this stone on its own will help you to make enhanced contact with angels and other beings in the higher dimensions... including guides that may be wishing to work with you. You could also combine it with other specific stones that aid this contact... such as Purple Tanzanite , Elestial Quartz Crystals, Tremolite, Danburite, Phenacite, Cryolite, Creedite, Blue Celestite, Herkimer Diamonds, and Stellar Beam Calcite aka Dog Tooth Calcite. This crystal works very well in combination with other high high vibration crystals and stones. While you could really choose to use it with any of the group of high vibration stones, it is helpful to combine it with other stones that have an action to aid contact with the angelic realms. Other high vibration stones combine well with this crystal... including some of the high crystal energy stones that stimulate your brain, such as Phenakite, white Scolecite, White Heulandite and any color of Herderite crystals. Scolecite is an excellent stone to aid you to sleep better and will also aid anxiety and depression. If you have problems making decisions, you may like to pair it with other stones that aid decision making.... such as Herderite, Mookaite Jasper also known as Mook Jasper, Bloodstones or Actinolite. Other stones that will be boosted by the vibration of Apophyllite, include Stellerite, Blue Cavansite, Shungite, Anyolite also known as Ruby In Green Zoisite. The lovely Green Apophyllite also combines well with the clear stones, and this is a powerful combination to boost your healing.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:57:39 +0000

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