Apostle Colette Toach See as I see I am a father that will - TopicsExpress


Apostle Colette Toach See as I see I am a father that will never let you down. I am a groom that will meet your every need. I am a friend that will remain by your side. No matter where you go today and no matter what obstacles you face, know that I am always with you my child. I take you in the palm of my hand and I see that you are perfectly and wonderfully made. As a proud father, I hold you up to the world so that they can see how precious you are. I cradle you tenderly and as I look at you, I see the treasures and the good things I have put into your life. So why then my child do you always see the shortcomings and the things that are not good in your life. Why do you continue to see the flaws and the areas that lack? For when I look at you, I do not see the areas that lack. Instead I see the change you have gone through. I see the progress you have made. I see the times you tried with all your heart – even when you failed. Your failure was not important to me, but rather the heart with which you tried. I see how much you have done in my name and I see the good things you have done. I do not dwell on the evil and so you must also not dwell on the evil. Bring all sin to me and place it under my blood. Then see the treasures I have given to you. See the change and see the precious gem that you are to me. When you do this, you will start to understand the visions I have given to you. You will understand the road I have put you on. For I have destined blessing for you and not cursing. I see your potential and I am making a way to bring out that potential. I am not leading you into a snare, but into a wide land. So know my heart for you child and see that I stretch out my hand to you in love and not in anger. Take my hand and experience my love and you will then see yourself as I see you says the Lord.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:21:30 +0000

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