Apostolic Prophetic Times of - TopicsExpress


Apostolic Prophetic Times of Refreshing --------------------------------------------------------- The “Ruah” of God Genesis 3:8 “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden”. When we read the pretext of this scripture it shows us the fall of mankind whereby the image & the likeness of God was distorted in man. It was Gods original intent that the human race become the custodians, the expression of His image & likeness on the Earth & God never created the human race to function outside of being His exact representatives. The substances of Gods image was suppose to be communicated through You & Me, so that God would be seen through its diversity so when God created us He created us to be in His image & likeness. Man was not created to be a living soul, man was created to be a life giving spirit. In the scripture we see that God will come in the cool of the day, cool is that same word as breath whereby you get the hebrew word “Ruah” & “Ruah” means “Gods divine Spirit”, the same breath that God put in Adam, On the same level & same basis He will come & when He releases His breath the breath in Adam would arise, when God comes like a wind in the Garden of Eden & release His spirit in Adam then Adam would arise, so the spirit in God will speak to the spirit in Adam & spirit will speak to spirit. Adam was created last so that he could show all the things that preceded him in creation how to reflect the Glory of God. “Ruah” is associated with oxygen, wind & so forth & in the natural we will not be able to live oxygen so to does our spirit man with not be able to survive without the “Ruah” of God & in order of us to be like Adam who had the divine Ruah or the divine spirit of God, we have to carry the Glory of God which is simply the image & the likeness of God :) Have a Christ Filled Day :) Ricco J Govender
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:24:49 +0000

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