Appalling! Truly, one of the most revolting, disgusting - TopicsExpress


 Appalling! Truly, one of the most revolting, disgusting abuses of power we have witnessed yet. A rogue president just turned America into a third world country and cemented his legacy of lawlessness. Obamas unilateral amnesty for 5, 10 maybe 20 million or more illegals will crush America. When I heard the executive order had been signed, I began to shake uncontrollably. Fear consumed me. My entire body went numb. It took me a while to get hold of the gut wrenching fear I felt. He is willfully ignoring the will of the people and his ignorant actions will lead to more illegal immigration, not less. Look, the implications of his egregious actions are staggering. The precedent he has just set for presidents to come is deplorable. But then I learned something that stopped me cold—how we can stop him. When I tell you how—the hole we discovered in his plan—youre going to feel renewed again and ready to go at this with fire in your belly and guns blazing. First, think about the harsh reality for a minute. Single-handedly, emperor Obama just slapped the face of every border agent, sheriff and immigration official. He spit upon the feet of Americans. Those who followed the law—immigrants coming here legally, businesses who refused to hire illegals and those who enforced the laws we have on the books—have all been betrayed. Yet those who broke the law, illegally entering our country, committing crimes and taking jobs away from hard working Americans—they are being rewarded. He hung out the sign for all to see, No deportation for illegal criminals. Obamas amnesty will give work permits to those who have no right to one, stealing jobs and money from our friends and loved ones who have children to feed and clothe. So here is what happened to renew my faith that we could stop this landslide. Amidst the crisis and the fear and darkness that gripped my very soul I got a call from my legal operatives—and it took my breath away. I learned that there is a gaping—and I mean GAPING—hole in Obamas executive order. Friend, you can be damned sure we are going to take full advantage. Obamas executive order is not Constitutionally based. Are you ready for this? That means that the new Congress can come into session in January and change the statute its based on. Congress can NULLIFY Obamas amnesty for all executive order! This is the moment weve been waiting for. There would be no government shutdowns, defunding or lawsuits needed and that means no backlash on the new Congress. Just a simple nullification of a statute is all it would take. We can make this happen—force the new Congress to act on that statute and end amnesty once and for all—but we have to move at breakneck speed. We dont have much time but you can help. We can launch our amnesty killing campaign tonight and get that statute changed! It is critical we act now because of Obamas unconstitutional acts. The man who deems himself king has now crowned himself a prophet—the patron saint of illegals. He sees it as a gift in exchange for their loyalty. Hogwash, its treason through and through! Force Congress to stop amnesty today because otherwise... You watch---millions more will come and they will not come here legally. They will jump our broken borders and scoff, Why not...thats the way to get into America and have Obama take care of me. With those millions, our financial, social and economic systems will fail. Poverty will be rampant and lawlessness everywhere—even in your backyard. As it is, Obamas unilateral executive order for amnesty just caused our law enforcement system to buckle under the weight. It is so bad, so dangerous and so damaging that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is suing Obama saying Obamas actions will have a detrimental effect on his ability to carry out his job. Specifically, this is unconstitutional abuse of power. Obama is making up his own laws as he goes and if we dont stop him our entire Constitution and system of law-making just collapses. Think about it. Criminal aliens will now be released back onto the streets at uncontrollable rates. We dont have the manpower or financial firepower to handle it. Folks, my blood is boiling, but the adrenalin is rushing through my body in anticipation of undermining Obama and changing that statute so amnesty will disintegrate before his very eyes. Obama has repeatedly abused the power of the office of the President of the United States. It must stop now. So do you have your marching orders straight?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:48:37 +0000

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