Apparently it is Day 341. I lost a day somewhere. I knew I - TopicsExpress


Apparently it is Day 341. I lost a day somewhere. I knew I should have double checked a little while back, but I went with it instead. Whatever. Very cold this morning, at least compared to the recent days. Mostly clear, hazy clouds. Sunrise/moonset happening at the same time. Down to the big town today for the day job. I really dont care for the big town and the longer I live like this, the less I like the quasi civilization. A thought occurred to me this morning...One of the things people are most curious about (and are often concerned about) is me getting cold. One of the earliest things in this project that happened was a quick acclimatization; the human body has a lot of capability, even a damaged one like mine. Beyond that, adding a sweater or wearing good socks closes more (if not all) of the gap. A fire lay or a small wood stove, even a candle/lantern makes a canvas space very comfy. The light of a single candle provides a psychological adjustment boost. And really, after all that, a comfy bedroll finishes things off to the point that even at subzero temperatures, a person need not wear much to bed. Stay hydrated, keep your calories where they need to be with good fuel food and that is about it. Staying warm is a lot easier to do primitively that is staying cool in above 100 heat. The real issue of the cold is the fear people hold for it. And having really, truly been cold in a terrifying way a few times in my life, I understand it, to a point. But then....has the pseudo society made people so mindless and helpless that they really dont understand that if they wore more than a tank top and sandals, winter would be less scary? Why do people want their house at 80 in the winter and 60 in the summer? It is nonsensical! It is unsustainable and an irresponsible use of resources. But would the plutocracy retain control without making people afraid of things that our ancestors handled with ease? I mean, if you took a minute to understand the cold instead of mindlessly fearing it, you would spend less money and waste less of your valuable time in the world struggling to purchase products and services that are unnecessary to your well being. You would have more time to be YOU! To do and achieve and see and be the things you were born for! Fear is everywhere. And it is a simple program: make a person afraid of things and convince them that only your product or system or religion or politics has the answer. It is absurd! You know the answer. The blood of your ancestors flows in your veins! Surviving is as easy as breathing. If the only weapon that matters is loaded...(you know, the one between your ears?) then you have little to fear and can cope with what you should be afraid of. We could build houses better and cheaper, both in the long and short term cheaper. We could manufacture real coats of quality material, and good shoes. We could once again reward the merits of fortitude and adaptation. We could spend more time learning to face our fears and develop the ability to cope quickly with change. The answers are well documented, over and over again. What do we do? We burn irreplaceable fuels to achieve a level of warmth in winter that would be unacceptable in summer. We do this instead of putting a pair of socks on or just changing our shirt. We are so enslaved that we risk life and property to work for things that we dont need. Because that is the other side of winter. The short day, the icy roads, the strain on equipment. Would a rational society have you risk your very life to get to a non-crucial job? So, the fear of the cold that people have for me, and I appreciate the concern, is unfortunately part of THEIR enslavement though. Because, of all the things I struggle with, it is not the weather. It was close to 0 this morning at dawn. I have yet to start a fire in the hovel. I am sitting, sockless, wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt and I am not cold. I think that I would like to put some socks on though, as my feet are not as comfy I would like. It isnt bragging, truly. I hope folks think about it. Think about how filled with fear they are about the simplest things. I am afraid, too. But of different things. Mostly, I am afraid of fear driven people enslaved by a corrupt system. And even that...I cope with it. Have a good day my friends. Be free.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:24:23 +0000

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