Apparently it was Cedars appointed task to go pick up every - TopicsExpress


Apparently it was Cedars appointed task to go pick up every visitor from the train station to bring them back. Either that or she was the only one in her family that didnt have a life. Either way, Cedar was not happy as she trudged up the path towards the platform at the train station. Todays guest of honor wasnt even related to her. How she got stuck with the duty she had yet to figure out. Everyone was making a big deal over Madge coming. The Presidents daughter is coming to District 12! That was all she had been hearing for days since the news of her visit to her aunt and uncles house spread like wildfire. Its almost like they had forgotten that her father, the President, had grown up here and been best friends with her mom. The fuss was unnecessary and Cedar found it to be more than a little annoying. The train finally came whistling in and came to an abrupt stop, five minutes late. A small crowd had gathered waiting for her arrival. Cedar rolled her eyes and stood up, pushing her way towards the front. It was best to just get this over with so she could go on her merry way. It had been years since shed seen Madge so she wasnt sure who she was looking for. That is, until she stepped off the train and the people gathered began clapping and cheering. Rolling her eyes yet again, Cedar stepped forward and looped her arm around the taller dark haired girls before the crowd had a chance to start talking to her. She tugged at her and starting walking off the platform. Madge! Good to see you. Cedar Mellark in case you dont remember me. Auntie Prim sends her apologies. She is stuck at the hospital with a patient and will be home as soon as possible. Lucky me gets to accompany you to her house. Someone will bring your bags in a little while. So! Hows the capitol? Her tone was laced with annoyance and sarcasm as they had made it away from the crowd and Cedar finally let go of the girls arm.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:01:40 +0000

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