Apparently some are getting confused today with believing theyre - TopicsExpress


Apparently some are getting confused today with believing theyre not being a compassionate person if your telling someone to stop sinning. Bringing someones sin to their attention is compassion. Letting them know Jesus died for their sins is compassion. Sin will make a mess of your life and of of those around you that are close to you. Compassion is telling someone to stop what theyre doing to save them and those that their sin is affecting. To say that telling someone these things is hatred for them is complete stupidity. Jesus told the woman at the well to go and sin no more. Was that hatred for her? No, it was compassion for her and hatred for sin and its effects. Jesus knew her sinful actions would affect her life in a negative way so He told her. Thats compassion. Jesus paid the ultimate price for the sins of humanity, His life. So, do we just sit back and sin all we want? Paul said no! We have too many people writing and or reading books about what the bible really says and means than reading the bible. Using big difficult words that they arent even sure of what they mean to describe their points about what they believe God, the author of the bible, really meant by the words He used. These people think were picking fights with them if we disagree with their ignorance. Truth be known some of these people are writing books for their own recognition. They dont care about you. Weve all seen it. These people come and they go. Theyre remembered for their ignorance of the scriptures not of being some great author. Should someone really not tell someone of their sin? Should people just sit back and watch them while they make a mess out of their lives? Yes, Jesus had compassion but it wasnt so people could continue to live in sin and destroy their lives and those involved in their lives. I thank God someone made it known to me that God had so much better for me than the life of sin I was living. I thank God someone told me how much my life was affecting and hurting those that loved me. I didnt need to know Hebrew and Greek to understand that what they were telling me was the truth. It seemed so simple I could hardly believe I didnt see what I was doing until someone told me. When I began reading about the life of Jesus it broke my heart to see that what He did for me by dying on the cross and how I had been living my life with no recognition of it. When I realized that He had set free from sin I began walking in it and the freedom that comes with knowing that! Please continue to teach what the scriptures say about what Jesus has set people free from. It doesnt mean that you hate them. It means you love them and the compassion of Christ that is in you is flowing out of you toward them! We have to stop being winey Christians that are afraid of hurting someones feelings. No one has ever felt the hurt that God felt seeing His only and completely innocent Son crucified on a cross. Jesus died to set you and me free from our sin. Does He still unconditionally love you, absolutely! But, He wants you to know the truth. Sin will destroy your life. A good parent full of the compassion of God will always tell their child the truth if theyre doing something that could devastate their life and never feel bad about it. Are you going to be accused of hating your child for for telling them the truth or will you be accused of being a good parent? :-)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:54:12 +0000

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