Appeal for the Release of the Abducted Archbishop of Aleppo Mar - TopicsExpress


Appeal for the Release of the Abducted Archbishop of Aleppo Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazaji on 22nd April 2013 (22nd June 2013) More than sixty days have lapsed since the abduction of the Archbishops of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim for the Syrian Orthodox and Boulos Yazaji for the Greek Orthodox, and we still have had no news from them nor form their abductors. Mar Gregorios’s nephew, Fahmi Ibrahim, expressed the Ibrahim familys’ deep sorrow and anxiety for the kidnapping of the Archbishops of Aleppo. He added that family members, relatives and friends of the abducted Archbishops in Syria and in the world are extremely worried and highly surprised by this suspicious silence and the unsettling status quo remains a great cause for concern. Pondering, what is the reason behind this intentional blackout and imposed silence? Fahmi Ibrahim conveyed the family’ heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all those who showed their concern, support and appeal to both Christians and Muslims in Syria, who have worked together to propagate tolerance in order to continue their peaceful coexistence, and upheld virtue, values and ethics amongst the sons of one homeland. They continue to pray until the release of the venerable Archbishops and the priests and await their safe and dignified return to their communities and friends in Aleppo. Believing in the role of God in his life, Mar Gregorios has worked hard for many decades as a shepherd and a servant of all Syrians, without discrimination to install the foundations of love, harmony and brotherhood. Consolidating the national sublime principles and unity, advocating the Syrian quest for Peace at every eventuality all over the world. In his message, Fahmi Ibrahim appealed to the Pope of the Catholic Church, Patriarchs of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, Heads of all Christian Churches all over the world, to Grand Muftis, Sheikhs, Imams and all Islamic scholars, to raise their voices collectively in order to condemn this inhuman act from continuing and to activate the quest for the release of the abductees. He also called on the international community and organizations that advocate human rights, all people of good will and peace lovers all over the world, especially in countries closely involved in the Syrian crisis as well as those who condemn violence, kidnapping and displacement of citizens and fear for all Syrians Mr. Ibrahim concluded: ”The world will know peace when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 07:36:20 +0000

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