Appeals Away! Stand Union out and see... Fight our battle - TopicsExpress


Appeals Away! Stand Union out and see... Fight our battle cry; Well never change our course, So vicious Union steer shy-y-y-y. Roll out the...CFT, Appeals Aweigh. Sue on to victory! Ha! Ha! And horray Judge Treu for seeing the light... Appeals Away, Appeals Away... Appeals A Way - I say! nytimes/2014/06/11/us/california-teacher-tenure-laws-ruled-unconstitutional.html?_r=0 Comments: Whether tenure its is in fact determined to be found unconstitutional may not be the point, its the fact the study demonstrated what tenure does to the institution that is the problem. By polarizing the demographics so that good teachers consistently migrate to schools where their standards are mutually appreciated., leaves many other schools lacking in human resource capability. If the trend continues generation after generation concentrating excellence and substandard teaching in pockets, the local tax revenue fades and the school withers in an uncontrollable death spiral. Its ugly and its happening to s neighborhood near you. This effect is encouraged because students lack choice, and public school teachers (unions) appear unwilling to accept responsibility for performance objectives towards the goals of the school - nor offer better and proven alternatives. Maybe, by developing a combined two pronged approach, school choice and tenure reform we would achieve a win win situation for all - the neighborhood, state & the unions. latimes/local/lanow/la-me-ln-unions-react-tenure-ruling-20140611-story.html bostonglobe/news/nation/2014/06/10/california-teacher-tenure-laws-ruled-unconstitutional/YAs0pkBldy9yDVOByc5teL/story.html cbsnews/news/judge-strikes-down-teacher-tenure-in-california/
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 22:16:25 +0000

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