Appears that wherever you start reading comments to this rhetoric - TopicsExpress


Appears that wherever you start reading comments to this rhetoric be they of a Republican or Democrat, there is little confidence, lets properly call it, trust that Congress will actually do the Peoples work. I am, or at least I have been an Independent voter. I have been very disappointed about the direction of the Country the past few years and most generally disagree with the Obama agenda. The actions of Harry Reid as obstructionist had to end, virtually nothing was going to Obama for signature. So, like many others, I did my part to entrust leadership of both Houses of Congress to Republicans. So far, I am not impressed. Sure legislation is moving from the House to the Senate for a vote. But, I do not agree with the handling of the bill to oppose the Illegal Immigrant and Immigration Reform Executive Order, and the manner in which such change of existing law would be overruled. With the vast majority of the American people opposed to that Executive Order, I can no more believe nor accept, that a majority vote in Congress isnt well within the realm of possibility to nullify it and override a veto. YOU ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES! If any of you feel that someone else IS BETTER EQUIPPED to MAKE LAWS, in this case Obama, then resign, and get the Hell out of OUR CONGRESS! Absolutely NO business could exist the way the US Government is currently expected to run! There is an executive (Obama) who wants to give to as many who believe they have little choice but to stay loyal in fear that there freebies will be taken away. That executive wants as broad a base of those dependent on the company to continue thinking so, and favoring those coming up the companys executive ladder with similar thinking and interests. To reassure that occurs, executive management is now introducing the possibility of free secondary education. All the while, the company is already in debt a minimum of six years of its total annual revenue $3 Trillion ($3,000,000,000,000.) A debt that is about to exceed $18 Trillion, ($18,000,000,000,000.) plus the depletion of Retirement Funding in a short term (Social Security) and Medical Reimbursement (Medicare and Medicaid). Then, of course there is the majority of Americans (middle class) who have little if any choice but to pay the amount required based on their income, which funds are sent to Washington. They too know that the dollars they contribute, which could otherwise help make ends meet in their home, will in part be sent to other Countries, many who hate us, and wasted in ever increasing departments of the Federal Government. There too we frequently hear about misplaced billions of dollars as was the case during the Hillary Clinton term as head of the State Department. Along with $600. hammers and $300. toilet seat purchases! Of course nothing within the Federal Government is routinely audited while some $3 Trillion is spent each physical year. Finally, there are those who could afford to secure their needs anywhere in the World; but, for business reasons of their own are at least partially stuck on paying more and more for their pleasure of being a part of US commerce. Now, the company executive is suggesting charging those individuals even more (another tax increase proposal for wealthier Americans) for their participation in US commerce, many who provide jobs for the middle class. At what point would YOU invest elsewhere? All this about raising revenue needed to run the company while: 1.) Many in the tax bracket of say 31% seek tax control services who claim to reduce that tax rate to a 15% tax average. That while those of us having the same income level who can not afford or dont seek such services still pay 31%; 2.) there is wide knowledge that an estimated 5O% of income earning entities pay little if any taxes. Also, the underground economy during 2010 in the US alone was in excess of $1 Trillion ($1,000,000,000,000.) totally free of Federal taxation! 3.) some Oil Industry investments are in the area of 80% tax deductible in the year expended. That with a projected 30% return in their investment each year; 4.) those whose earnings are derived from investment income (Ex. Warren Buffet) are taxed at a mere 15% less deductions, loopholes and credits. Many reduced to 8% or less. Now, during the upcoming 2015 State of the Union Address, Obama will be suggesting increases on those who already pay taxes in the form of property gains and estate taxes. Ridiculous. Imagine running a business that poorly and yet having no competition. Increasing your income whenever you want without reducing expense. Our government costs could realistically be cut 45% without sacrificing services. And a simpler Federal taxation process could realize significant revenue increases, while reducing the maximum and lowering taxation on the middle class and those less fortunate. Social Security could be properly funded with a 15% increase on benefits, without undue burden on anyone and a reduction on most wage earners. Those reading this as Facebook participants, PLEASE do not make a mistake at this. In 2016 we will again elect a President who will need to take immediate control of this, the largest business ever to exist in the World. Which too carries the highest debt ever known to man. This is not a job for the faint of heart, nor do we have time for training! WE NEED AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESS SAVVY PRESIDENT WITH EXPERIENCE IN POLITICS, NOT A LIFE POLITICIAN!!! This is not a time for a feel good election just for the sake of electing the first Gay, Woman or Atheist as President. WE need to get the best, most qualified person possible as our next President. WE need to take this upcoming election VERY seriously, BECAUSE IT IS! The future of America will be depending on our doing so.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:52:43 +0000

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