Appointment with the Urologist today. First let me say I was - TopicsExpress


Appointment with the Urologist today. First let me say I was impressed with this Doctor. He came in not only knowing his facts, took time to listen, answer questions and explain but he knew Rylinns history through and through as well as took the time to introduce him self to her! You would be amazed by how many doctors dont even acknowledge her, the patient! Sadly tho bad news was given to us. In May Rylinn had a ultra sound done of her kidneys while she was admitted for her 3rd kidney infection in just a few months. October the same test was given for the same reason. Only this time the kidneys were not the same size. Only one as growing! At the time we were told this was no reason for concern. Shes smaller, its ok to be smaller. Today tho we were explained how this in fact is not the case at all. Rylinns frequent kidney infections, which we learned just a few short weeks ago are greatly caused by bladder reflex, are causing scar damage to her kidneys! With the severity of the reflex, the damage occurring to her kidneys, frequents of her infections, and the fact that her seizures increase so much during the infections the doctor feels surgery is a must do, and soon! FOr now we ask for prayers, and good vibes once again! I will post about details of the surgery as well as a date in a few day (we havnt gotten a date yet). For now I am emotionally and physically done for the day! Cuddles and a family movie are MAJORLY needed!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:38:11 +0000

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