Appropriate preposition ১. Descend on - আক্রমণ - TopicsExpress


Appropriate preposition ১. Descend on - আক্রমণ করা - Armed thieves descended on the harmless travellers. 2. Liberate in - মুক্ত হওয়া - Bangladesh was liberated in 1971. 3. Abhorrent to - ঘৃণা করা - Corruption is abhorrent to the honest. 4. Contemporary of - সমসাময়িক - Christopher Marlowe was a contemporary of Shakespeare. 5. Impute to - অন্যায়ভাবে দায়ী করা - Do not impute motives to him. 6. Boast of - অহংকার করা - A modest man does not boast of his merit. 7. Proficiency in - দক্ষতা - A prize was awarded to him for proficiency in music. 8. Fail in - ব্যর্থ হওয়া - Almost everyone fails in passing his drivers test on the first try. 9. Hankers after - আকাঙ্খা করা An honest man never Hankers after riches. 10. At the weekend -সপ্তাহান্তে - Are you doing anything special at the weekend? 11. Provide with - দেয়া A bodyguard provides one with protection. 12. Catch at - আঁকড়ে ধরা A drowning man catches at a straw. 13. Consists in - বিদ্যমান থাকা A game of tennis is competitive and consists in beating your opponent. 14. Popular with - জনপ্রিয় A ma who is popular with his neighbours is said to be a good man. 15. True to - বিশ্বাসী A man of character is true to his word. 16. Walk up - প্রত্যয়ের সাথে এগিয়ে যাওয়া Please walk up the stairs. 17. Translated from/into - অনুবাদ করা Shakespeares plays have been translated from English into many languages. 18. Superior to - বড় , উত্‍কৃষ্ট He is superior to me. 19. Revolt at - আন্দোলন Human nature revolts at a crime. 20. Proficiency in - দক্ষতা A prize was awarded to him for proficiency in music. 21. On television - টেলিভিশনে We watch football matches on TV. 22. Name after - নামকরণ করা He is named after his father. 23. Liking for - পছন্দ He has a liking for cricket. 24. Know about - জানা I know nothing about the matter. 25 Introduce to - পরিচিত করানো Wordsworth introduced the readers to a new kind of poetry. 26. Wander about - ঘুরে বেড়ানো The boy wanders about in the streets. 27. Thirst after - আকাঙ্খা We all thirst after happiness. 28. Sympathy for - সহানুভূতি His sympathy for the poor is praise worthy. 29. Road to - পথ/উপায় There is no other road to success. 30. Quick at - পটু , দক্ষ Shehab is quick at understanding. 31. Provide with - দেয়া A bodyguard provides one with protection. 32. Object to - আপত্তি করা He objects to having to go so many parties. 33 Necessities for - প্রয়োজনীয়তা In space, the primary necessity for survival are air, food and water. 34. Monument to - স্মৃতিভাষ্কর্য The monument to our left is a popular tourist attraction. 35. Lit with - আলোকিত Now-a-days villages are lit with electricity. 36. Yield to - বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা We should not yield to any pressure. 37. Work with - কারো সাথে কাজ করা Suprovat will be working with me on the project. 38. Valid for - বৈধ This passport will be valid for one year. 39. Urge upon - আহ্বান জানানো We urged the point upon his consideration. 40. True to - বিশ্বাসী A man of character is true to his word. 41. Wait upon (সেবা করা) : A nurse attends upon the patients. 42. Used to (অভ্যস্ত) : Jerry was used to hard work. 43. Trust with (বিশ্বাস করা) : I trusted him with the money. 44. Visit to (পরিদর্শন) : The Inspector went on a visit to the college. 45. Sympathies with (কাহারও প্রতি সহানুভুতি দেখানো) : The authoress sympathised with Jerry. 46. Want of (অভাব) : I have want of money. 47. Vote for (ভোট দেওয়া) : He voted for me. 48. Useful to (প্রয়োজনীয়) : Trees are useful to us in many ways. 49. Trust in (বিশ্বাস করা) : We trust in God. 50. Synonym for (সমর্থবোধক) : He gave a synonym for the hard word. 51) Work with (কারো সাথে কাজ করা): Hasib works with me on the river dam project. 52) Valid for(বৈধ) : This ID card will be valid for next one year. 53) Urge Upon (আহবান জানানো) : We urged the chairman to build a bridge over the canal. 54) True to(বিশ্বাসী) : A man of character is true to his word. 55) Sympathy for(সহানুভুতি) : His sympathy for the poor is praiseworthy (Praise-প্রশংসা).
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:19:32 +0000

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