Approved minutes for May 21st 2013 LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR - TopicsExpress


Approved minutes for May 21st 2013 LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR BOARD MINUTES FOR MAY 21ST 2013 Chairman Keo Kelley called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Members present were Steve Shaw, Denise Helsley, and Robin Dansie. Chris Taber and Valerie Varadi were excused. Also present were Ann Parker and Rusty Parker Secretary. The following changes to the agenda were made. Steve asked that Boy Scouts, barrel racing and junior rodeo be added. All changes were approved. Denise moved to approve the minutes. Robin seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion passes. Steve moved and Robin seconded to approve the claims as presented. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Keo read the vendor requests. Margarita Snacks, Oasis Christian Fellowship, Golden Age Senior Center, Shoshone FFA Chapter, and Miller’s Elephant Ears. Robin moved to accept the vendors. Denise seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Rusty said that Christi Falen had asked him to re-issue the Trot to the Top check and make it out to John Burgoyne as they do not have an account for the club. Keo suggested in the future make the checks for 4-H awards to the Extension office. Denise moved to approve the financial report. Robin seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Denise gave the Leader’s Council report. She did not have much to report. They did decide to use a system of red Xs on the stall cards. If the member gets 3 red Xs they will be asked to take the animal home and will not be able to sell on Saturday. They also discussed the food booth schedule for the different 4-H clubs. Keo read e-mails from Paula Huyser and Nicole Reed Denise gave the Market Animal Committee report. She said lamb projects entered this year are down with only about 27 signed up. They will have a few re-weighs on Thursday. Keo read an e-mail from Gina Shotswell offering to be on the fair board. Rusty said that Robert Newey from Richfield had also volunteered to be on the board. After a short discussion about qualifications and area represented Denise moved to ask the Commissioners to appoint Robert Newey to the board. Robin seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Keo said there is only one bid for janitorial services and asked if the board would like to open it now or wait. Steve moved to table until the next meeting and increase the advertising to see if we can get more applicants. Keo seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Since Valerie was not in attendance no update to the fair book was available. Robin said she would e-mail her the changes needed. Rusty gave an update on the carnival. They have received the check and everything is a go to be here. The Two Thousand Dollars paid will be refunded if ticket sales exceed that amount. He will send ticket for pre-sale. Budget is tabled until next meeting as the secretary did not have it completed. He needs to talk to the Assessor or the Commissioners to see how the business personal property tax change will affect us for 2014. Rusty asked about advertising with KMVT again. He will check with them to see what programs they will offer us. Keo said to put security for the dance on the next agenda also. Steve said that Kaden Power would like to re-do the old steel framed bleachers as an Eagle Scout project. He will try to get materials donated to replace the wood part of the bleachers and he will install them. Steve said the barrel race will be on Tuesday the 23rd and the junior rodeo will be on Thursday the 25th at 7:00. Robin asked about purchasing bags for ice. She can get them for $61.00. There will be enough to last for several years. Keo moved to purchase the ice bags. Steve seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Keo led a lengthy discussion on the concrete bids for the arena area. Due to budget restraints it is necessary to choose the least expensive option. Robin moved to accept Emory Treat’s bid of $3,570 for a four inch slab with wire mesh and industrial fiber and not including replacing existing slab. Steve seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Keo read an e-mail from Aime Taber concerning the queen contest. Next meeting set for June 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM Meeting adjourned.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:03:10 +0000

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