April 11, 2010: The Art of self deportation By Hank After - TopicsExpress


April 11, 2010: The Art of self deportation By Hank After listening to Mitt Romneys proposed immigration policy during the presidential elections, I could not help but wonder how the policy would possibly be enforced. Not satisfied with the dearth of ideas my imagination conjured up, I decided to scour the internet for materials on the subject: The Art of Self-Deportation, A Checklist for Self-Deportation, The does and donts of self-deportation, and perhaps, the cant miss popular book version of self-deportation for dummies. Having come up empty handed, convinced me that I needed to relax with a glass of Pelligrino on ice with lime, listening to Mozarts Duettino Sullaria Le nozze ( Marriage of Figaro) and try drifting into the enlightened privileged space of Mitch and Anne to visualize the nuts and bolts of self-deportation. Suddenly, under this euphoric atmosphere arrived the epiphany. ... There would come a time when a hypothetical, Ignacio Tonto, and his wife Increible, would decide it was time to self deport. So, they would confer at the dinner table with their U.S. born children. two in high school and one in college and let them know that it was time to leave the U.S. and return to a country they know little, or nothing about, in order to stand in line for a minimum of 10 years and maybe return to the United States. And maybe with the grace of God, time would remain still in America while they did there time in Mexico awaiting their return. The next day, he would give 30 day notice to his boss at the widget factory of his decision. His boss, would regretfully prepare their bonus packages and bronze parachute. On their last day of work he would even have a good bye factory party for the Tontos. On the day of departure, the moving vans would show up and load up, and off they would go from the I-10 to Arizona on the way to Magdelena Sonora, taking their place at the end of the line hoping that Mitch and Ann remembers the Tontos. Something like that? maybe someone should write a book on it. Adio Y Buena Suerte
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:47:27 +0000

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