April 3, 2014 Urgent Action Requested- Stop the brutal - TopicsExpress


April 3, 2014 Urgent Action Requested- Stop the brutal repression and dehumanization of the people at Ile A Vache. Please write to: The Venezuelan embassy in Haiti; write to President Maduro, contact Venezuelan activists; ask that Venezuela use its diplomatic power to immediately work for the release of Jean Lamy Maltunes from the Haiti National Penitenciary. Demand that Venezuela immediately stop financing the neofascist Martelly/Lamothe government in the name of “helping Haitians”. (For more information, read the post below (For more info, go to - Haiti: Denounce Venezuela $27 million in Ile a Vache colonial project bit.ly/1o3SwXW) To suggests other actions to the Ezili Network to help release Maltunes, end the US occupation and the complicity of the Left-Right White Solidarity against Haiti, write to: erzilidanto@yahoo ********* Stop the brutal repression and dehumanization of the people at Ile A Vache: Why is Cuba, Venezuela, the AU and CARICOM turning a blind eye to the US occupation of Haiti, even participating in the pillage and plunder in Haiti? Is this what Venezuelas president Maduro calls supporting revolution? End the Left-Right White Solidarity against Haiti by Ezili Dantò of HLLN Another brutal repression and dehumanization is underway in Haiti. The right wing Haiti puppet government employs over 115 BIM police officers to forcefully evacuate residents of the Ile a Vache rural community in order to facilitate Lamothe/ Villedrouin cabinet’s acquisition of large parcels of coastal lands on the island. Jean Maltunes Lamy, the Vice President of the Gathering of Ile a Vache Farmers (Konbit Peyizan Ilavach, or KOPI) has been put in prison for the political reason of championing Ile a Vache peasant protest against the brutal right wing Haiti governments unilaterally taking of Haiti offshore island, Ile a Vache for foreign “tourist” interests. But part of the land being taken is for permanent housing for the wealthy that can purchase the 1500 seaside luxury condos and 2500 villas that are to be built on lands previously inhabited by relatively poor Haitians. A mere 2,000 “new jobs” for local Haitians is projected for this massive disenfranchisement of the 20,000 Haitians living on the island. This new Haiti earthquake is being financed, in part, by Venezuela. 20,000 Haitians living on the Island have had their entire lives turned upside down and are faced daily with the heavily armed Motorized Intervention Brigade (BIM) helping Dominican Republic construction company, Estrella, bulldoze peasant properties on behalf of the Haiti government for their “tourism” hoax. (Like the Caracol Hoax masking foreign appropriation of fertile Haiti lands - bit.ly/1k4ImrA ; Tourism is not development: Haiti, Liberate Yourself!- bit.ly/NmWFcs and US occupiers in Haiti privatizing Île à Vache – Chronicles of a coming massacre bit.ly/1k4ZM7q). Protestors are brutally beaten, intimidated with constant show of force and KOPI members in particular are hunted. The reign of terror has forced many community leaders into hiding. The mainstream Haiti media which generally travels with these Haiti government officials enjoying room service, traveling perk and special visa favors for themselves and their families have shown no interests in writing about anything but the government spins. There is mostly no international media reporting the truth about the exploitation and brutalization of the population to favor Northern residential inhabitants on Ile a Vache instead of the people who live on the island. In fact, the colonial narrative is that white supremacy is development for Haiti, instead of a push to end the US occupation of Haiti and disenfranchisement of the people, the use of its resources and lands to make foreigners wealthy. Is this what Venezuelas president Maduro calls supporting revolution, anti-imperialism or justice and democracy for the masses? Public reports maintain that Venezuela has invested $27 million into Haitis Tourism Ministry, which presides over projects such the Ile a Vache debacle. The people of Ile a Vache say the project is nothing less than a corporate land grab called tourism. Is this what the Bolivarian revolution is about? Investing in Haiti’s brutal repression and dehumanization? Does this racism only apply to the people of Haiti that these anti-imperialist progressives dont see as humans? Venezuela cannot claim to be anti-imperialists while financing a right wing Haiti government selected by the US and its OAS flunkies while Haiti is under direct US occupation behind a UN colonial army for over ten years now. It is millions from Venezuela that is partly sponsoring the illegal imprisonment of Jean Lamy Maltunes, the dispossession of peasant lands, the setting loose of police dogs on the people and such other Nazi-like brutal reprisals against Haiti peoples at Ile a Vache. Its time the world stood in solidarity with the people of Haiti against this US occupation and its selected puppet government carrying out Western imperialistic, racist biddings in Haiti. For over 10-years, since before the end of the Gerald Latortures reign in 2006, Haiti’s people have stood virtually alone, while Latin America, CARICOM, OAS and the African Union, turned a blind eye to the Western imperialist project, racism and neoliberalism in Haiti. The anti-imperialists seem unable to penetrate through the US propaganda that the UN is a peacekeeping force. Mostly, it seems, because Latin America, CARICOM, and the African Union (AU) have troops involved in the US colonial army in Haiti. Cuba and Venezuela do not have troops in UN-MINUSTAH but they simply seem not to want to understand, for their own geopolitical purposes and for unity with the Latin American and Caribbean participants in Haiti’s occupation. The US propaganda is swallowed that Haiti needs to be ruled by foreigners. This is justified by focusing on Black fratricide and Black on black crime, even though Haiti has less violence than most nations in the Western Hemisphere, including the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Bahamas, Brazil. But the Latin American anti imperialists seems unable to penetrate through this racist propaganda that is part and parcel of Western imperialism. Cuba’s medical brigade is reputed to be doing good work in Haiti. But there are some observant Haitians who have had serious concerns. These detractors say that Cuba’s medical brigade, just like the typical Western NGOs, cannot be deemed totally positive when it replaces or substitutes for as oppose to, add to, locally grown and a sovereign Haiti public infrastructure. Others point out that when the US multinational forces invaded Haiti in 2004, took over the medical school in Port au Prince to put in their multinational forces headquarters, the public Cuban protest to the US occupation of Haiti behind UN proxy guns then as now was nil. It feels to many Haiti activists in battle against US occupation and neoliberalism that Cuba, Venezuela, CARICOM and the African Union nations - all the nations on planet earth right now have forsaken Haiti to fight, as it did European barbarity and its slave trade in 1791, alone. Right-wing US-selected Haiti president Michel Martelly roams around for photo opportunities with Raoul Castro, Venezuelan president Maduro and makes photo-op appearances with Barack Obama and the other overseers for white supremacy at the African Union. Any organization within Haiti that is not openly supporting the end of the colonial occupation of Haiti is complicit with and/or benefiting from its tenure there. Haitis quest to take down white supremacy and raise up its independence- Black beauty and local independence offends most folks with the other gaze. Even Eva Morales with his Bolivarian revolution has troops within the US colonial army in Haiti. ( Left-Right White Solidarity?-The new face of 21st century neo-fascism commondreams.org/view/2014/04/02-2) The radical, anti-imperialists writing today do not ink any of this Haiti reality. The media is too busy giving itself awards and winning corporate foundation grants to do any real reporting on Western imperialism, neoliberalism and racism, including Caribbean-Latin American institutionalized racism against Haiti. For instance, CARICOM requires only Haiti as a CARICOM member must have a visa to travel to other CARICOM countries. The Dominican Republic is the only honest racist amongst the Latin American/Caribbean bunch. It straight out denationalized Dominicans of Haitian descent going back to 1929, committing civil genocide for Haitians-Dominicans with no great protests from the worlds nations. For true revolutionaries in Cuba and Venezuela, this Haiti abandonment must stop. A good beginning would be to lend a helping hand to the voiceless, vulnerable people of Ile a Vache who build and reforested the Island. The people ask that the May 10, 2013 presidential decree unilaterally making the island a zone of tourism development and public utility be rescinded; for the unconditional release of Jean Maltunes Lamy and for the withdrawal of the 115 militarized police from the Island. We suggest, people-to-people, that world citizens write the Venezuelan embassy in Haiti; write to President Maduro, contact Venezuelan activists; ask that Venezuela use its diplomatic power to immediately work for the release of Jean Lamy Maltunes. Demand that Venezuela immediately stop financing the neofascist Martelly/Lamothe government in the name of “helping Haitians”. (For more information, go to - Haiti: Denounce Venezuela $27 million in Ile a Vache colonial project bit.ly/1o3SwXW) Ezili Dantò of HLLN April 2014 https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/ezilidanto/2014-04/msg00002.html
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 00:43:10 +0000

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