April 9, 2014 (Korea time) CCSC Bible Study Message... Ladies - TopicsExpress


April 9, 2014 (Korea time) CCSC Bible Study Message... Ladies and gentleman: This is A LOT of info, but you MUST SHARE, PRINT, and REVISIT TYPE OF LESSON... Before you read the following, ask yourself: What gift(s) do I have and am I using my God-given gift for the God?? -------------- CCSC, Min. Emmanuel Lawer, Motivational Gifts: Grace Gifts, Wed., April 9, 2014, Seoul, Korea. *Romans 12:3-5 I. Seven Motivational Gifts in the Body of Christ Intro- Grace is Gods power and equipment for ministry or His unmerited favor for ministry. These gifts should not be confused with the five- fold ministry (office) of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Five-Fold ministry is an occupation while the seven motivational gifts are a vocation. Difference is pay and no pay. Remember-- you have do your part to feel a part! A. Seven Motivational Gifts 1. Prophesy motivated a. Characteristics and pitfalls 1) Able to predict future ONLY by inference of Holy Spirit; able to discern & proclaim Word of God exposing hidden motives, character 2) Not afraid to confront error, injustice. Example: Apostle Paul b. Dangers of prophesy motivator 1) Elitist attitude. Warning: Romans 12:3. Be careful to not operate in pride arrogance and high mindedness. 2) If you are NOT moved by Spirit, dont prophesy. 3) Used ONLY for the uplifting of His Kingdom 4) Dont mislead people claiming to hear from God. 5) The prophesy-motivated person also have tendency to show little tolerance for foolishness and lack of patience and tolerance for immaturity, Acts 15:37-39. 2. Server motivated a. Ministers are servants of the Lord 1) Do you have the gift to serve? 2) People with this gift help to meet practical needs of the body of Christ; they keep church in order. Example: Martha in Luke 10:38. 3) Servers are usually detail oriented, delight in their work, have unusual strength or stamina, talented with their hands. They enable ministry to focus on the Word and needs of the people. b. Dangers of server motivator 1) Dont try to do everything (busy body) and risk burning out. 2) In serving, be careful not to get prideful. You are working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23). Dont judge others for not working like you--Luke 10:40- 42. 3) Dont put work before worship. When you serve, make site you serve out of a good heart--Revelation 2:4-5. 4) Dont undermine authority-- Luke 15:29-30 5) Dont become prideful. 3. Teacher motivated a. Teachers are vital to ministry 1) Water Word in believers helping them to go a little further to study and delve into the Word-- Acts 18:27-28. 2) Enjoy talking and sharing Word 3) Delight in bring clarity and simplicity to the Word of God b. Dangers of teacher motivator 1) Be careful to remain teachable & not fall into pride 2) Are you quoting AND living the scriptures? It is not enough just to know the scriptures. 3) Dont fall into a know-it-all spirit thinking you know it all- 1 Corinthians 8:1-3. 4) Tend to dispute and challenge the knowledge of other teachers and preachers-- 2 Corinthians 10:12. 5) Love to share too much and too soon making audience lose interest. 4. Exhorter motivated a. People that encourage, counsel, instruct, comfort others 1) Receive comfort by: Holy Spirit (John 14:16, 26), scriptures (Romans 15:4), others (Romans 12:8). 2) Exhorters help others withstand storms of life 3) Iron sharpens iron--Prov. 27:17 4) ****Dont forsake gathering of the saints; this is important to stay encouraged--- Hebrews 10:25**** 5) Exhorters have the gift to bring people back to Christ. 6) Exhorters are good listeners & able to provide good advice. b. Danger of exhorter motivator 1) Pride in thinking that the only way for believers to grow is by exhortation. 2) Going along just to get along. 3) They turn to look down on those that reprove, rebuke and correct the believers in the body of Christ. 4) Failing to wait on their exhortation. 5. Giver motivated a. Givers support the ministry 1) Givers share, distribute monetarily for ongoing of Gods kingdom. 2) They are kingdom philanthropists; major contributors. 3) They are like tributaries; they issue forth the streams of Gods by way of financial overflow. 4) They help alleviate ministrys financial burdens. 5) They are business savvy and anointed to raise money, acquire wealth. 6) They use their business not for themselves but for the ministry as seen in Acts 4:34-37; 10:2, 31; Luke 7:2-5. 7) They encourage others to give breaking the spirit of stinginess. b. Dangers of giver motivator 1) Pride not giving with sincerity. 2) Looking for preferential treatment-lobbyists. 3) Keeping back, hoarding what they ought to give. Acts 5:1-5. 4) Valuing money over God. Mark 10:20-22, Matthew 26:6-8. 6. Ruler/Leader motivated a. Ruler motivators are the organizers, directors and managers. 1) They take charge to help accomplish the goal of the ministry. 2) They may not know how to do a specific job but are able to get the right people and motivate them to get the job done. 3) They have the ability to organize & complete projects. 4) They see to it that things flow decently and in order. 5) They are goal-oriented people and are anointed to manage, direct, plan and carry out the mission to its completion. Exodus 18:21-23; Titus 1:5. b. Danger of ruler motivator 1) Pride with the manner they rule, thinking others are subservient. 2) Lack of diligence or valuing the project more than the people. 3) Disregard for leadership--1 Samuel 15:22-23. 4) Over-delegating. 7. Mercy Motivated a. People who have pity and compassion for the hurt and suffering of others. 1) They are always willing to help the wretched and down trodden. 2) They bring sunshine wherever they go and their presence inspires cheer and gladness to the heart of the afflicted. 3) They possess tender feelings towards mankind. Luke 10:30-35, John 8:10-11. 4) They are anointed to help people through their grieving process. 5) They help to release people from guilt and by cheering them up. 6) They tap into the feeling of others rejoicing and weeping with them. 7) They bring out the compassion of God and demonstrate the power of mercy to the body of Christ. **Are you operating in your gifts FOR HIM or yourself?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 01:55:19 +0000

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