April Prosperity Prayer 2014 Our fathers trusted in you. They - TopicsExpress


April Prosperity Prayer 2014 Our fathers trusted in you. They trusted, and you delivered them. – Psalms 22:4 This month let us embrace the changes that lift us up. You may have heard the saying, “Everything must change”. In fact, I would classify it as a truism. It is so obvious that on first thought we may wonder why it would need to be said at all. On deeper consideration, I think that we are well served to reflect upon our responses to the changes we face in life. How do you respond to change? Do you resist the change that you don’t like or you don’t understand and embrace the change that would enrich, heal or benefit you? As we contemplate the activities of Good Friday and Easter this month, let’s consider that change is inevitable. Life is change! Do you see the evidence, throughout Jesus’ life on earth, that by trusting God we can navigate change guided by the Holy Spirit more confidently and with more life-enhancing results than blindly following the ways of the world? Let Us Pray: Lord almighty father , I open myself completely and surrender my all to You; I trust You God. I relax my body, I calm the restless activity of my mortal mind in favour of Your Peace which is more profound than my understanding. I reflect upon the teachings and the example of Jesus. Lord, help me to live in peace, show me how to live in love. Sustain me through my most challenging times and if I must suffer, let my suffering be for a Good purpose. Equip me, Lord, to stay focused on the other side of suffering, knowing that it too must change. Thank You God for Your Love, Your Guidance and Your Grace, make me an instrument of Your Love. Thank You God! So let it be! So it Is! Amen! Go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has risen from the dead, and behold, he goes before you into Galilee; there you will see him.’ Behold, I have told you.” I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have oppression; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.” – Matthew 28:7 John 16:33
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 16:41:27 +0000

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